Chapter 28

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"Thank you, Eliza, Theodosia, you may go."

They return my smile, curtsying as leave the room, casting worried glances over their shoulders when they think I"m not looking. I run my hands over the emerald muslin skirt that falls over the ever more prominent baby bump; and face the mirror again, trying to get my smile to reach my eyes. I give myself a reassuring nod and walk out of the room towards the courtyard.


Lieuteniant Lovell trails me from a distance as I walk through the courtyard, under the shade of the loggia. The courtyard appears to be fairly empty as I pass through it. I covertly slip my hand into a pocket and pull out a dagger the size of my hand, angling it to be hidden between my skirts and sleeve. "Your Majesty?"

I pivot and face a voice that was behind me. A fair haired, clean shaven man stands a good five feet away from me. I look to the Lieutenant and he gives a short nod, I quickly, and causally place the dagger back in my pocket, smiling at the man. "May I help you?"

"Were you going to stab me?"

"It depends."

"On what?"

"Whether or not you threaten me, my country, my crown and my family."

"I do not believe that I qualify for any of those points. I am here to ask you, Your Majesty, if I might have a moment of your time?"

"It depends on who you are and what you wish to speak of."

"My name is Sir Isaac Kottow, I would like to speak to you on the behalf of the members of the Order of Legitimate Heirs to the Asuri Crown."


"We, the collective members of The Order of Legitimate Heirs to the Asuri Crown, refuse to acknowledge you, Isabella Victoria Parr-Westwood as the true Queen of Asura."

"I see. Do you consider yourself a man of faith, Sir Kottow?"

"Yes, I do."

"Good, I consider myself a woman, pardon Queen of faith myself. I have been going to Mass three times a week during these trying times, it brings comfort."

"I am glad to hear it, Ma'am."

"Thank you. As a man of faith you understand that we believe our true kings are God chosen, anointed, and that He speaks to them, offering answers to problems and showing them the right path, am I correct?"

"Yes, what you have spoken is true."

"I'm glad that we're on the same page."

"As am I, Ma'am."

"I have a question: do you not see me fit for the throne because of my sex and that I am smart and capable, or is it because of my marriage, as it was not a popular one, or even yet, is it because my husband and your God-chosen King decided that I was trusted and capable of ruling his nation whether it is by his side or alone in his absences?"


"None of your arguments will make any difference. I am a woman of many virtues and one of my strongest is faith; our faith states that our true rulers were chosen and anointed by God. My husband is the anointed King of Asura by God! Therefore, I have been chosen by God, who whispered into your King's heart that I was to be his true Queen, I now share the anointing of one King. And I will share the blessing of many more, under the God-given titles of Queen and Queen Mother! How powerful are your pitiful arguments against the anointing of God Himself? You may remove yourself from Our court and tell your 'Order' that you were all wrong to try and defy God's wishes."

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