''Maybe you should.'' Aydan sighed, but then William planted a kiss on his lips, and he started smiling again.

''I'm not saying you did everything right, but you didn't mean things to go the way they did. It was Claudia who did that.'' William said.

''I don't think I can ever forget myself for what happened to you.'' Aydan admitted.

''Hush.'' William smiled and put his finger on Aydan's lips, indicating he didn't want to hear any more about that. Then they just laid there holding each other in silence.

''Did you really do it with George?'' Eventually Aydan just had to open his mouth again.

''Did what?'' William asked.

''Have sex with him?'' Aydan continued.

''Wait a second — are you jealous?'' William avoided answering the question. Aydan laughed, but didn't say anything. He really wanted to know the answer.

''I told you it was my first time at the pool. I mean, we kissed and all that, but then he said he just couldn't do it. That it would have been wrong to take advantage of my condition.'' William answered eventually.

''I guess I own him an apology then. I think he really cares about you.'' Aydan sighed.

He hadn't thought much about it, when George had tried to hit on William. He did that all the time, so Aydan didn't think he was actually being serious. Besides, William wasn't the kind of guy who would fall for a guy like George.

Then Aydan had heard the rumours about William kissing with someone at the club, and that had definitely made him jealous. It was even worse knowing it could very well have been him with William, if he hadn't been so deep in his denial.

The next time then.. Well, Aydan had put some pieces together when William and George went to the men's room together. A while later William stormed back to the table, his clothes wrinkled and hair ruffled. That day Aydan had felt an uneasy feeling in his chest, trying to lie himself it wasn't jealousy.

George really cared for William, that much was for sure. The things George had said to Aydan when he went back to the club after the assault, his caring actions, all of it.

But all that time William had been in love with Aydan and eventually there weren't any other options for them. They were drawn together and there would never be anyone who meant as much to Aydan as William did.


A month later they had more about the case and what was wrong with Claudia.

Turned out she had antisocial personality disorder and she was incapable of understanding other people's feelings. She had learned to act certain way to get what she wanted. She had been manipulating everyone like they were some puppets in her show.

The antisocial personality disorder explained many things about her behaviour, but that didn't mean she wasn't to blame. Claudia knew more than well what she was doing. She didn't feel any remorse of the things she had done either.

Once she was gone from their lives — not just from William and Aydan's, but also from her group — the atmosphere had changed and everyone was healing in their own ways.

It was Saturday morning and William had finally agreed to meet the group after Aydan had been talking about it for days. This time they wouldn't be going to a night club, but in the ice cream shop Aydan was still working at.

William had gotten a haircut earlier that week, and it made him look even better. Better and better and better. It truly was a torture to have a boyfriend that hot: how was Aydan supposed to keep his hands off him?

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