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When is it better to let go than keep holding on? Is there a point where holding on causes more hurt than good?

Even if you've reached that point, what if you cannot make yourself to move on?

What if you're not ready to give up, and what if that person is the only thing worth holding on to?

There were two things Aidan couldn't stop recalling from the conversation he had had with William nearly a week ago. The first one was a sentence William had said: ''Just let me go, please.'' The second was his mention about Coach not letting him practice, if he couldn't control his seizures.

Aydan had started to think, if it would be better for William to let him be. Like he had asked for. It was just that William seemed to be in desperate need  of a friend: he was blatantly not doing well with everything that had happened to him.

Not that it was a surprise. Anyone would find it difficult to move on from something like that. Knowing that made Aydan even more disinclined to let William go.

When Aydan was in need of answers, he had one person he could count on: Brian. They had known each for four years already, since Brian used to be in Aydan's class. Even thought they mostly spent time together at school and not after it, Brian was Aydan's nearest friend after William.

Aydan didn't call Brian, he simply just showed up behind his door. Someone else could have found that annoying, but it was kind of their thing. If Brian was home, Aydan would be welcomed, if he wasn't, Aydan would leave. Fortunately, that time Brian opened the door and let Aydan in his apartment.

Brian didn't live in a penthouse or in a mansion, but in a modest apartment at the poorer side of the city. Unlike most of Aydan's classmates, Brian didn't get in college with money, but by scholarship.

The others had tried to bully him for not having a luxury car or brand clothes, but it didn't last long, since Brian seemed indifferent about money and the things the others said.

''Hi! What brings you here?'' Brian greeted Aydan and moved aside to let his friend in.

''I have something I need your wise head for.'' Aydan said, only half-joking, since that was exactly what he was there for.

''Well, I kinda knew that much as soon as I saw your mug at my door.'' Brian laughed.

Brian didn't try to look like his classmates either. Instead he wore band shirts — often from bands like In Flames or Disturbed — and let his blonde hair grow. Brian's dark blue-grey eyes had a knowing look, and he had an askew smile.

He was smarter than anyone Aydan knew, but he cared more about his guitar than books. Brian was a guitarist in a small, not-yet-so-well-known metal band.

''So, shoot me.'' He said as soon as Aydan had cleared himself space from the worn black sofa. Brian himself was sitting on a bar stool, that he had hauled next to the sofa in his small living room.

''It's about William. Remember him?'' Aydan started tardily.

''Of course I remember W, he's a great guy.'' Brian and William, although they had seen each other only a couple of times, got along surprisingly well. It was probably because they were both smart and didn't try to fit in.

''Is it about the assault?'' Brian asked then. Everyone in the city knew what happened to William, since everyone liked to talk and rumours spread like wildfire among the inhabitants of town.

''Yeah, but also no. It's about how William's been acting after it.'' Aydan began, and explained to Brian what had happened at the pool and all the things William had said, before continuing: ''So now I'm not sure, if I should just let him go like he asked for.''

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