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Just me and you, the words kept repeating on William's mind. Even if he knew it didn't actually mean anything. It didn't mean that Aydan had feelings for him, that was a no-brainer, and it didn't necessarily mean things would be the same between them again — but William was happy still and all.

His disobedient heart fluttered every time those words came to his mind, just because it knew they would spend the weekend together. William noticed it was the first time he was actually feeling eager about something after that Day. Even if it was just a weekend with a friend, he was more than happy to spend it with Aydan.

Despite all that William was dead tired, because he had stayed up till 5 am just to finish the essay, which he had planned to do after the movie.

It just happened to be so that William had eaten and then fallen asleep as soon as he got to his room. There had been other homework as well, thus it took him half night to finish them all. College was no child's play.

Even with all the coffee, the drowsiness didn't go away. He was uncertain if he should drive them to the beach house, it might be dangerous to get behind the wheel.

''I can drive.'' Aydan offered, when he appeared behind the door and saw the dark circles under his friend's eyes. ''And you should sleep.''

That was exactly what William did. Aydan listened radio and drove while William napped leaning his cheek against the window.

The next time William opened his eyes, he wasn't in the car anymore. He studied the room disorientedly, not quite fathoming where he was. A smell of fresh coffee and toasting bread came from the kitchen, and that was probably what awoke William, whose stomach was rumbling loudly.

He got up from the sofa and looked around in the familiar room: the white sofa, numerous blue cushions, the coffee table made of fair birch, the big windows and the beautiful seascape he could see through them. It was Aydan's family's beach house, where he had been numerous times.

So, William knew where he was, but there was one considerable question left to ask..

''Did you carry me here?'' He exclaimed as soon as he spotted Aydan in the kitchen.

''Yup.'' Aydan answered like it was the most casual thing a friend does to another.

''But I am taller than you.'' William scrupled.

''Yeah, like an inch. You're such a lightweight — or maybe I'm just strong.'' Aydan was in good mood, there was no doubt of that.

''You should have woken me up..'' William muttered, feeling embarrassed knowing he had been carried in like a kid.

''Are you hungry? There's toast and coffee.'' Aydan said then, and William's heart started another drum solo once he saw Aydan had set the food on the table for him. It was something he had never done before.

Don't be so nice to me: I could get used to this and then I can never stop loving you, William thought. Yes, it was just a small act of kindness, but for William it felt like love.

Then they ate and had coffee while Aydan twaddled about his plans to go see his big bother, Adam, who lived in another country.

William didn't say much, but Aydan had no problem keeping the conversation going by himself. The younger guy enjoyed listening his friend, especially when he was in good mood or talking about things he was enthusiastic about.

Everything was just like it had always been between them, and the only evidence of Aydan's change was that he went out to smoke a couple of times.

They didn't do much during the day, since William was still tired, but in the evening they went swimming in the ocean.

Sunset tinted the sky red and there were nothing but white sand, water and sky within sight. They had to go in to get their jackets, because the evening was getting chilly, and they wanted to sit at the beach.

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