get moving

97 4 18

o7 to the times this "plot point" was just a joke between me and MyChato

written past midnight, excuse the lack of seriousness (it's the only way we could get through this plot point, trust me) but enjoy the chaos

.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。

Byulyi had forgotten she was a woman.

Rather, she forgot she was the target gender for this insolent flatty patty looking man.

She was more disgusted by the odor oozing out of his body than the state she was in, tied up tightly into a chair right next to what she assumed to be chemicals she should not sniff. They were already too sharp in smell to hurt her nose, but somehow didn't manage to make the sweaty man's odor disappear either. The smells were instead combined, which was worse.

Ok, she needed the confusing set of smells to not get in the way of her thinking process. God knew being captured was her fault, so she had to find a way out faster than she jumped down to the street not five minutes ago. It was a dumb decision on her part and she had no way of justifying it. She fidgeted with the handcuffs -as much as her hand movement allowed her to- for some time as a distraction. It didn't work but she kept doing it anyway.

This was a stain in her pride if anything. This was her first mission with Magnolia, and this is how she screwed up. Wheein was going to laugh at her for weeks, given if she escaped. Which she will... hopefully.

Things were not looking bright for the young archer and Wheein had no CCTVs pointed this way to see it. Byulyi would have liked the second set of eyes that can look at her position from up above, and she could still feel the earpiece intact in her right ear. Whoever made this device, the lack of size for the amount of technology stored in there was scarily impressive.

It reminded Byulyi of a certain mechanic's style of crafting.

Whatever, it didn't matter. For what it was worth the man was too busy trying to restrain Byulyi without getting fatal injuries and didn't notice the earpiece at all.

What was his name anyways? Byulyi for sure read it on Wheein's wall of messages, but she had always referred to him as some insult and nothing more. Well, he wasn't that decent of a human for Byulyi to remember such small details about him, like his name.

Mr Asshole sounded nice. Mr. A for short, like it's a placeholder name in a book the author couldn't be bothered to actually make up a name for. It was that useless of a human, and it fit in perfectly.

The earpiece buzzed with white noise before Wheein's voice cut through it. "Byulyi, ca-" The earpiece made some electronic noises to the point it hurt to listen. Having to act nonchalant about it was the cherry on top. "Can you hear me now?" she asked, the mechanical noises clearing up.

It was great news that Wheein could reach her. If only Byulyi was alone in the warehouse to answer.

Mr. A was too busy with something on the far end counter, messing around with tubes and syringes. Byulyi's stomach twisted around, imagining what kind of messed up chemical was in those things. Chemicals that were going to go in her system. The realization sank more and more with how unnatural the chemicals were colored. There was a good chance she could die with those things.

She had to get out fast.

Checking on the concentrated man, she tapped her feet enough to make decent noise, in the morse code of a C, standing for confirmation. She hoped Wheein knew this much.

"Good," Wheein answered. "That was a horrible attempt at a coded message."

Tapping a "my feet are bound to this chair, idiot" would take her a good two hours, so she decided to drop it.

bows and magnolias • wheebyulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora