Chapter 50 - Chase

Start from the beginning

He continues to pepper my face with featherlight kisses until I fully relax and release a tiny giggle. "Do you think you can turn on the car?"

I nod and Diego releases my hand. One of his hands slides down to rest on my knee, while the other buckles his seatbelt. My trembling hand reaches for the key in the ignition. I put my foot on the brake and take a deep breath before turning the key.

"You're doing so great, sweet pea!" Diego cheers as he tenderly rubs his thumb over my knee. My lips twitch up at the sides and I carefully put the car in gear.

Very slowly, I take my foot off the brake and apply a little gas. "Wow, look at my little lamb go!" Diego cheers again, causing me to grin.

I make a left turn and continue driving in a circle, focusing on the here and now with Diego, instead of what it was like the last time I drove. "You're so hot when you drive, I just want to eat you up!" Diego purs.

A string of giggles escapes me. "You should see yourself driving! With your muscles and tight shirts, it's divine!" I blurt out and immediately want to cower in the corner.

Diego chuckles and temporarily moves his hand to ruffle my hair. "I'm glad I can provide you with some eye candy." His phone rings at that moment. "One second, honey bee, I need to answer this, just keep doing the amazing job you're already doing," he says and I hum a response.

I park the car just as he puts down the phone and I turn to him with a quizzical look. "It's a surprise," he says with a wink, before gently pinching my cheek. I pout but don't ask any questions. I'll find out soon enough. Deciding I've had enough driving for the day, I promptly get out of the car.

"Would you like to try driving, like this, with me again?" Diego asks, leaning on the boot of the car.

I stand in front of him so that my arms are against the trunk of the car on either side of him. "Yes, please. Can I do that until I can drive alone in the car park? Then I can move to the road. Will you help me with that too?"

"Of course!" He says and makes a kissy face at me. I giggle and tentatively connect our lips. I feel Diego smile against my mouth, causing me to giggle again. I pull away from my smiling boyfriend since it's impossible to deepen the kiss with him smiling like that.

A bright light suddenly appears behind me and I turn around to find a car approaching. "Who is that?" I ask, trying to determine why the car looks a little familiar. Diego embraces me in a back hug and kisses my neck but doesn't say anything.

The car door opens and Dean steps out, followed by an excited Shawn. "Chaaaase! I haven't seen you in forever!" He rushes towards me grinning from ear to ear while Diego goes to greet Dean. "I'll need all the juicy details later! We just came to drop off some stuff. Ooooh but, have you and Diego kissed yet?"

Shawn's sentences, as usual, come out in one big excited blur, causing me to giggle. "We kissed today for the first time and Diego has been all over me since then! Holding my hand or touching my hair or giving me tiny kisses! It's heaven!" I whisper, so that Dean and Diego, who are currently unloading the car, can't hear.

Shawn squeals once I'm finished talking, bouncing up and down with excitement. "That's amazing! Next step, bone city!" He makes a lewd gesture and I shriek and momentarily half cover my face, causing him to giggle. "But on a serious note, since you and Diego are physical now and just because you love him, doesn't mean that you should feel pressured to do anything you're not comfortable with."

I nod, amazed by how easily Shawn can go from bubbly and wild to serious. "I know, we talked about it and he said he'll wait as long as I need. I'm just living in the moment for now, taking it one step at a time." Shawn smiles brightly and gives me two thumbs up.

"Baby, are you ready?" Dean calls out and Shawn giggles before hurrying over to him.

"Have fun you two!" Shawn calls over his shoulder. Dean waves goodbye to me before he and Shawn depart.

Diego wraps his arms around me, in a back hug, and whispers, "Are you ready for your mini surprise?" I bob my head up and down in response and Diego spins us around.

My eyes widen when I see the cute set up that he has for us. An egg shaped lamp, emitting a warm orange glow, sits on top of three fluffy blankets, layered on top of each other. A decadent cheese platter is placed next to it and another blanket is folded neatly close by. Finally, two wine glasses perch on the sides of a chilled bottle of wine.

"I figured since we were here, we could enjoy a snack and look up at the stars," Diego whispers in my ear, sending a pleasant shiver coursing through my body.

"Wow," I breathe, in awe of the beautiful set up. Just one thing worries me; the wine bottle. I really hope it isn't wine because Diego knows I don't really like drinking, not to mention his past alcohol problems.

Diego chuckles and releases me. He intertwines our fingers and tugs me towards the blankets. I readily follow and we sit, facing each other.

I catch a glimpse of the label on the wine bottle, once I'm settled on the blankets, and notice that it's non alcoholic, sparkling juice. "I can't have alcohol and you told me before that you don't like to drink, so I thought you would like this instead," Diego says, opening the bottle.

I really do love sparkling juice! A smile spreads across my face as I hold out my glass for him to fill. We finish the cheese platter and juice while we laugh and talk about the most random things.

Once we're finished, we lay side by side gazing up at the stars, with Diego holding my hand the entire time. My eyes drift over to him and I change positions so that I can ogle his beautiful face. Diego feels my eyes on him and he adjusts himself on the blankets. I giggle before shuffling closer. He grins and drapes his arm over my waist.

"This reminds me of the first time we hung out at the barbecue," I whisper, as one of my hands slides upwards to play with Diego's hair.

He chuckles and says, "you were so hesitant back then. But now you're my courageous chipmunk who gives me shy kisses and won't stop playing with my hair."

I giggle again and nod before very quickly pressing a light kiss to his lips. "You made me the exception, I'm allowed to play with your hair as much as I'd like!" I stick my tongue out at him causing him to release a deep chuckle.

"Yes you can, my adorable honey bee," he coos, resulting in more giggles from me.

We spend the next few hours cuddling, chatting and gazing at the stars. I couldn't have asked for a better night.

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