29. The Magic Well

Start from the beginning

"So, if this is the magic well, it's leading to these boats traveling here...Yeah! That's it! Star, if the magic well connects and, then what if the first were actually humans?"

"Marco! Less talky, more trashy!" I was mad at that. "Sparkling Landfill Garbage Geyser!"

"Star? Hey, I didn't know you worked at Britta's Tacos."

"She doesn't, you clod."

"Uh, so if you don't work here, then what are you doing in the basement?"

"Look, Oskar, we're kind of in an emergency-type situation here. See, I need to get home, and the only way home is down that well and through a big ol' magic slip-and-slide that makes you lose your mind if you're in it too long. So I'm trying to call my daughter – my unicorn daughter – because she stays sane in the magic, and she can guide us through in one piece. So, we're throwing garbage down the well to get her attention."


"Oskar, please, try to keep up! My unicorn daughter is a total neat freak. Don't know where she got that from. But the garbage we throw down the well will bring her to us."

"Huh. Well, how about the meat cooler?" Oskar points to a meat cooler. "I bet your unicorn daughter wouldn't be able to ignore that big boy." We walk to it and start pushing it toward the well.

"Stop throwing garbage in here!" I check the well seeing a unicorn.

"Firstborn! Thank goodness! You gotta listen. We need you to take us into the well that leads to Mewni."

"Every time you come in here, you sour this place. I cannot help you. Goodbye." Firstborn disappears back into the well. We walk to the well and look inside.

"Soooo... what do we do now?"

"Well, WE don't do anything. Looks like I gotta just drive in there and hopefully make it back to the Mewni well before I lose my mind."

"What? No way. You're not going in there by yourself. We're going together, Star." I said serious.

"Yeah. Together." Star smiled. "You can use my car if you want." Star nodded. I went to the lid of the well. I see the hand prints Star was talking about. I think I touched this. I flipped the lid. I see another handprint. It was smaller than the other one. I put my hand over it. It was bigger but something about it got me.

"Marco get in!" I turn seeing them in the car already. The passenger seat was free. I hopped in. Star levitated the car above the well, then we fell right in. We start screaming till we landed.

"Thanks for letting us borrow your car, Oskar!"

"What are you doing? You have to go! The last time you were here, you caused a major problem for me."

"Bee-oop!" Star magically creates reins around the Firstborn's muzzle.

"Okay, look, here's the deal. You're my daughter, so you have to do what I say. I need you to lead us through the magic to the Mewni well. And if you don't, do you really want four goo-goo-brained teenagers who've lost their minds running around down here? Yeah, that's right. We're teenagers. We're great at causing problems."

"If you want to go back to Mewni, then I'll send you back to Mewni." The Firstborn's horn starts to glow. Star grabs the Firstborn's horn.

"No! No, no! Don't do the zappy thing! We all have to go back together. Now, be a good daughter unicorn and pull us to the Mewni well. And no more complaining." Firstborn starts dragging the car.

"Now, I can't have any monkey business, so just to be safe, I'm setting the child lock." The lock clicks. Janna scoffs.

"Star, give us a little credit."

"Nuh-uh. I can't risk any of you guys getting out of the car. This place does crazy things to your mind, and if you were to wander off, you'd be done for. Trust me. Now, come on. Let's just sit back and enjoy the ride."

"It is pretty cool." I look around. It actually does. The gold water was strange to me.

"Hey, guys? What are these things?"

"Uh, that's just a tennis b... a tennis b... uhhh..." I blink trying to remember. I look at Janna. "...Hi."


"Oh, boy. It's already starting? All right, say goodbye to your memories, people."

"What? It's kicking in already?! But I'm not ready!"

"Looks like somebody can't handle his magic." Tom laughs. "Newbie."

"Marco, my man. Sit back and relax. Just let it wash over you." Then everything went skywall. 

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