I Think I've Got This Under Control

Start from the beginning

I tied it in a small enough bag, placed it in 2 brown paper bags and sprayed it from a distance with Lysol as not to get bag really wet. I made my way outside and closed my front door and over to Jay's house.
After the incident with Anastasia I did hear Jay telling the officers, my car keys were over there and my vehicle was parked at the same location. So I had a really good reason to give the police if needs be.
"I have a present I wanted to give Jay," I stated as I passed Mr and Mrs Blake seemingly finishing their tasks.
"Ok darling," Mr Blake said.
Seems like he didn't even tell them what happened last night, such lovely parents, I don't think they're even related to Jay, I know 100% the devil had something to do with the birth of that child. I made my way over to the cupboards where I found my keys on the counter top after I climbed the stair and made my way to Jay's room. I opened the door and saw Brad and Johnathan playing Call Of Duty with the mini-diablo himself. I didn't hesitate, I followed through with my revenge plan and made my way over to Jay.

"Hey beb, I'm truly sorry for giving you the idea I was cheating and I just want to apologize for it," he avowedly forced some fake tears to come out of his eyes and sobbed. Slowly approaching him I looked down and said, "I brought a present for you and I'm sorry I lashed out on you like that," stretching the bag to him I loosened my grip from the top of the bag and dunked the repugnant concoction on him.
"You disgusting piece of crap I would never cheat on you and all you ever do is accuse me of things."
Smearing the bag across his face while his friends were astonished to see a weird girl like me getting this irked, "ALL I'VE EVER DONE IS STAY BY YOUR SIDE AND ALL YOU DO IS ACCUSE ME!"
"Alissa you need to calm down, it was a mishap, I love yo-"
"Don't you dare say that, cause you were three inches deep inside that bitch the heck you mean YoU lOvE mE," I mocked him. "Delusional."
"Hahaaaaha three inches," Bryan sat there laughing hysterically
"Damn bruh, you did that," Johnathan jumped in.
"SHUT UP!!," we simultaneously spat.
Johnathan and Bryan folded their lips obviously offended.
"And with Jesse of all person. I don't have time for this, I'm leaving." I turned around and stormed through the door not giving Jay enough time to grab onto me. I ran down the stairs passing Jay's parents on the way who were shocked as well.

"Bye Mr and Mrs Blake," I gleefully smiled with tears running down my face. 

I hopped in my car and drove to the cafe.
"That was a very dumb thing to do," i thought, "he deserved it anyways."

A black car was pulling out of the café's drive way and I stopped and let them turn completely. He took his sweet time coming out of the driveway, shining his bright lights in my face.
"This man is taking forever," I murmured.

After grandpa had finished coming out the driveway I continued my journey, parking my car on the side of the road and made my way to the café's entrance which was already in the process of renovation and its not even a full day yet since the incident happened.

I climbed over the caution tape and was grabbed by one of the workers.
"Where are you heading off to so quick," a thick man asked with a raspy italian accent.
"Where's your boss?" I questioned
"Who sent you, the Power-puff girls," he chuckled mocking my size.
I rolled my eyes and tried to free myself from his grip, but his physique matched his strength and my wiggling was in vain.
"Cosa sta succedendo qui?" A deep soothing voice said in a questioning manner.

"Solo qualche intruso," the thick man replied.
I turned around and saw a tall, dishy man with, sparkling brown eyes and straight black hair.

He approached me with a pensive look on his face.
"Hai qualche informazione su di lei?"
The thick man patted my pockets and reached for my little lady-wallet with my personal stuff he then passed it to the handsome bastard.
"Hey that not yours you know," I said still trying to squirm from his grip. "Hey all I want to know is what happened to Anastasia."
They froze for a few seconds looking at each other and the thick man replied.
"I don't know what your talking about, and I suggest you get your snake-hipped body away from here before you get hurt."

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!!?" I demanded, punching the thick man on his side of course my punch probably felt like a feather tickles to him. He dragged me by my shoulder and pushed me off the parking lot.
"Vi u-cci- derò tutti!" I spat back, I didn't know italian but from majority of the italian movies I've watched, I picked that up and I don't think those words were right for this situation.
Instantly the thick man pulled out a small knife from his pocket grabbing me by my hair placing it at my neck. I felt a sharp pain with a cold trail running across my neck. It was already dark out so even if I died here and now it wouldn't matter to anyone.

"What did you just say little one," he pushed the knife a little harder,"Do you want to end up like your friend?"
I felt a sharp pain in my belly, fearful of what should happen next I screamed
"I swear to God I don't know what I just said please don't kill me!"
"Eh-hem lasciala andare. Non abbiamo tempo per perdere!" The "boss" said rolling his eyes.
"Leave and don't come back!" The grumpy thick man said shoving me in the street.

I slowly walked to my car giving the impression I wasn't afraid and sat there feeling defeated, but I recorded most of it on my phone and made my way to the police station. This simple day was spiraling wayy out of proportion but I didn't care.

I wanted to find out the truth about Anastasia's death, because suicide, according to the police is NOT the reason for her death, I can't let two people that I care about just leave like that and I don't try to "solve" it in some sense. Anastasia was always suspicious of who entered her shop even to go as far as having a hidden showcase of 9 guns and a taser for her "safety". I mean as woman who works late at nights needs protection but I think that's a bit overboard and the only reason I know this is because I went snooping in her office and "accidentally" open a trapdoor that she may or may not have told me not to open. She wasn't too happy about that day. I pulled up at the precinct and to my surprise they were closed. A little sign on the door showed "Our office is being relocated, for any emergencies or inquires call 911 or visit our website and speak to a live agent"
"Oh just great, just freaking great," I murmured.

Defeated I drove back to the house upon entering I realized the door was already open, not thinking much of it because my mom always does this I called out for her.
"Mo- Christina!", I couldn't find myself calling her mom anymore "Hello!?"
Before I could turn around to head in the kitchen, I felt a rag covering my face and a strong arm holding my hands behind me putting me in a very uncomfortable position. I placed my legs on the counter and pushed forcefully and we both plummeted to the ground the person groaned, sounded like a man, but he was still was able to keep the cloth over my face. Darkness crept around my eyes and my consciousness slowly drifted.
Who is this man? Was it Jay coming for his revenge?
Probably that thick man and his martian friend at the cafe wanted some more action?

Ahh this chapter is boring and drawn out I swear my brain is Tiredd!!
But more chapter are on the way.

$tay Ble$$ed

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