30 | breakfast in bed

Start from the beginning

Luna turns away from me, and awkward silence falls again between us. I can't help but curse myself for the impulsive move I just did.

We're now sitting on the edge of the bed, but we're not facing each other.

Say something. Anything.

I feel like an idiot right now.

"Well..." she falters, and my heart races as I wait for her words. "I guess that I should leave now."

That sentence makes my heart sink, because I don't want her to leave yet. This is very selfish of me.

Come to think of it. Her brother had just threatened me ten minutes ago, and look at what I'm doing now.

"I mean, I haven't cleaned myself since last night," she blurts out. "I need to take a shower, you know? Change my clothes..." She's stumbling upon her words, sounding nervous. "I need to go back to my room, take a warm bath, wash my hair... Um---" She suddenly stands up from the bed. "I'm sorry. I don't even know what I'm doing. I need to go back--"

"Stay." I grab her wrist, making her abruptly halt.

Goddammit. I might be crossing the line here, and her brother's glare is now haunting my mind. But after the incident last night, I still don't want to let her out of my sight this soon, especially now that I learn about her feelings for me.

"You can use my bathroom, and I'll lend you my clothes," I say, feeling her stiffen under my grip. "If you want to, though," I add, letting go of her wrist, making sure that I'm not forcing her to do anything even though it's just spending time here in my room.

Luna doesn't say anything, and my heart beats like a fucking drum in my chest.

"Okay," she says, and that makes me snap my head toward her in surprise.

She gives me a small nod, and a blush creeps on her cheeks. I can hear my heart roar in victory.

I stand up from the bed, stride toward my closet, and browse through the clothes. I take out my white t-shirt and hand it to her. "This should fit."

She takes it and excuses herself to go to the bathroom, but then I call her again, making her halt and turn around. "I'll get your breakfast ready. What would you like to have?"

Luna glances at the clock on the nightstand and bites her bottom lip. "It's already too late for a breakfast, I think."

"I mean, lunch." I roll my eyes, but I can't bite my smile. I know what kind of food she likes, though. "Do you want to eat pasta?"

"Pasta is perfect, I guess." She finally chuckles, and damn, that sight is more than refreshing. It makes me feel alive again.

"Noted." My grin is so wide, from ear to ear.

Luna gives me a soft smile, enters the bathroom, and closes the door. I'm still staring at it for a few seconds even after she has disappeared behind it.

Fuck. Control yourself. You don't want to look like a creepy dude.

I dial room service and order her food. After hanging up, I sigh, sitting on the bed and staring down at the floor, resting my arms on my thighs.

I've never kissed a girl like that.

Tentatively. In such a gentle way, as though I was afraid that I would break her.

I've never kissed a girl with a feeling this strong.

And I was stupid. I should have known that she wasn't ready for that. I should have waited until she was ready.

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