"You're right! You're right, y/n! For fucks sake you're finally right! It's just like your brother said. Some things are just not meant to be and this clearly isn't! What were we thinking, huh?" Dream scoffs softly. "Did we think this was gonna work? That we could stick through it? I guess we know better now..."

"Dream, you don't understand-" I begin.

"Then tell me!" Dream stands up suddenly. "Fucking tell me, y/n! Go on, explain it to me!" He raises his voice, towering over me. I feel tears prick at the tips of my eyes, I blink rapidly to hold them back. Dream seems to notice this because he sits back down with a sigh.

"I just don't understand why, y/n! Why? After everything, just for it to end like this?" Dream lowers his voice again, raising his hands up in exasperation.

"Do you really want to know?" I shout back, sobs stuck in the back of my throat. "He said he'd kill you! He'd kill you, Dream! He'd kill you if I didn't-" I break off as tears fall down my cheeks. My mind wanders back to that night. I had wanted to, hadn't I? That's what Quackity told me... Dream remains silent, his fists balled up. "I'm so sorry, Dream... I tried, I really tried..." I sob quietly, my head falling into my hands.

More silence passes, the only thing that can be heard are my soft cries. I finally look up and see Dream, hugging his knees, his head in his hands. His chest heaves with silent sobs.

"He came to visit me one day..." Dream raises his head up, his voice hoarse. "He tossed me the cracked mask, he told me he had taken you. That I had to tell him about the revive book or else. I thought he was bluffing." Dream pauses, closing his eyes. "I swear the first thing I'll do when we get out of here is fucking kill that son of a bitch..."

Dream shakes his head and wipes his dry tears with the back of his hand. I stay there, thinking about it all. I just want things to be like before... I think to myself.


Wilbur's POV:

"Hey, right on time!" Quackity grins, walking towards me. Tommy stares at me, his face paler than a ghost. We stare at each other for what seems like an eternity. I finally clear my throat and speak up.

"Hey, Tommy, you've grown a bit, haven't you?" I extend my hand for him to shake. Tommy looks at me for a second, so many emotions flickering in his eyes. Suddenly, he runs towards me, jumping into my arms. I blink and take a small step back in surprise. I hesitantly wrap my arms around him. Tommy buries his head in my shoulder, hugging me even tighter.

"I fucking hate you," Tommy whispers, his voice muffled. I let out a soft laugh.

"I missed you too," I tussle his hair with my hand as he pulls away.

All of a sudden I see a boy run towards us, he looks no older than Tommy. He finally reaches Quackity, out of breath.

"Charlie?" Quackity questions, concern crossing his face.

"Q!" Charlie pauses, catching his breath. "Sam wanted me to tell you that he just locked-" Quackity quickly clamps his hand over Charlie's mouth. Quackity wraps his arm around the younger boy's shoulder and leans down so he's level with him.

"Why don't you go make yourself useful somewhere else, hm?" Quackity suggests softly. I scoff quietly, really Quackity? Hiring a kid to do your dirty work? Pathetic.

Charlie hastily scampers away and Quackity clears his throat. "Uh, why are you here anyways, Wilbur?" Tommy asks, breaking the silence.

"Oh," Quackity grins. "Tommy, I think Wilbur would love to hear all about your little plan to kill Dream. Right, Wil?"

"Really?" Tommy looks between Quackity and me.

"Yeah, a plan to kill Dream, you say?" I question, Tommy and Quackity both nod. I just have to play along for a little longer. I'll follow along with their little "plan" pretend to be on their side. Once I'm in prison, y/n and I will execute the escape plan.

"So, you in? Just like- just like old times?" Tommy asks, flashing me a mischievous grin. I smile a sad smile. Oh, Tommy, I hate having to betray you, but I have to. One more time...

"I'm in."

A/N: I LOVE REVIVEBUR😩 also Dream in his sad boi hours 😞 IM GETTING MANIPULATED BY MY OWN BOOK- IDEK IF ITS MANIPULATION OR NOT AT THIS POINT. (Also kinda waiting for more lore to be able to write more btw!) GOODNIGHT <3

Comment any scenes you wanna see with Dream or any other character ig✋🏼🙄

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