"Perfect! And that's very up to you, see you on the subway? Today I don't feel like eating healthy."

"Okay bye."

"By-" Her friend hung up before she could finish saying goodbye.

Yejin understood why the distance Hyo Jin took with her, he couldn't judge her, so he just looked forward to her departure.


They were finally heading to the dress store after having lunch together, although the conversation was scarce, Yejin wanted to enjoy the moments she went out with her friend because lately she hardly ever sees them.

The dress shop was very cute, there were many women inside looking at dresses or coming out already dressed, it felt great as she looked at the others who were happy to find the perfect dress for their wedding.

"Wait here, I'll go with the one who attended my cousin and pick up the dress, then we have to go to my house to put it away and then find a dress for me that matches her theme since I'll be a bridesmaid." Yejin instantly felt and Hyo Jin left.

Yejin walked around the store while looking at dresses, they were all very beautiful, she really wanted to try one on.

"Excuse me miss, do you need help?" When Yejin turned around he saw a woman with a tender smile. "I am Park Shin Hye and I am here to help brides find their ideal dress, how can I help you?"

 "I am Park Shin Hye and I am here to help brides find their ideal dress, how can I help you?"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Uh, well ..." She didn't know what to say.

"I understand, it is not decided yet, first of all, what will the wedding theme be? Will it be the typical one? A marine theme? Fairy tale? Medieval?"

Yejin was speechless by the woman's questions, he did not know what to say, although he could simply tell her that he did not come for a dress and that he was only accompanying someone, but he could not.

"Fairy tale." She replied, not even realizing that spoke, only after the woman smiled.

"Perfect! Follow me." She grabbed her hand and led her to another place. "What would your favorite color be? White is mostly preferred, but there are some brides who prefer something colorful, I recommend that if it is a fairy tale it is not a simple white dress, it should be something more in the princess style with colors, that expresses their happiness."

"I would prefer pale colors, I don't have a specific color."

"I understand." The woman said to then see some dresses, among all she grabbed three, the ones that Yejin did not stop looking at since they were there. "Try these on, you haven't stopped looking at them since we came here."

"Sure." Shortly afterwards she was already in front of a dressing room. "Hasn't you come with anyone else? Mostly brides come with their mothers, sisters and bridesmaids, some with their fathers, did you come alone?"

Super Psycho Love (BinJin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ