Y/n gave him a small smile accepting his hand as she stepped out of the black and white vehicle and onto the grey pavement. Y/n looped her arm around his white sleeved one and followed him toward the restaurant's entrance which chimed with a small bell as they opened it.

The smell of onions and freshly cooked food filled y/n's senses and her stomach gurgled quietly in anticipation. They walked up to the hostess who blushed furiously at the sight of datchi before anxiously looking at y/n a sheepish expression adorning her young face.

Go ahead and take him y/n thought with a sarcastically. "Table for two" he stated his slithery nasal voice filling the awkward silence. Y/n gazed around the restaurant noticing the brunette from school.

The brunette's gaze met hers and she waved enthusiastically, as the two other girls seated at her table turned to look at her as well. "Right this way" the hostess replied leading them to a table near the window besides Tohru's.

"Hey y/n" she smiled happily giving her a closed eyed smile as her friends gave her a small wave of acknowledgment. Datchi gazed at her scrutinizing as ge pulled out a chair. "Hello miss Honda" y/n replied feeling a blush of embarrassment creep it's way onto her cheek

She didn't want her classmates to know she was going on a date let alone on a date dressed like this. She walked over to the seat sitting down before explaining herself. "We go to the same school" she justified and he rolled his eyes

"I still don't understand why you insist on going to that school when mine has people of our class" he judged pushing a menu towards her roughly and y/n cleared her throat. "Erm wel you know I like things down to earth" she replied awkwardly

Y/n watched as the black haired girl pointed towards datchi with her chopsticks "I don't like your waves" she glowered and he sweet dropped nervously, y/n superseded a laugh by distracting herself by reading the ingredients featured on the menu.

The blonde let out a hearty laugh patting the other girl on the back "that's hanajima'a wave report for you, we will leave you guys to your date come on Tohru" she chuckled as the brunette's eyes widened "a-a date?!" She exclaimed as the other two laughed and pulled her out of the restaurant

Y/n watched them leave enviously wishing that she was allowed to have friends like that. But sadly she never would be allowed due to her parents thinking that it was a waste of time and would distract her of her goal of being a doctor and a diligent wife.

Even though the business would be going to Datchi once they marry, then she would be a trophy wife or an assistant either outcomes were both not what she wanted.

Datchi watched the trio leave disgust evident on his face "your school is weird" he commented as he ordered for the both of them. Small talk was exchanged between them as the food was set on the table.

"How was your day" he questioned reluctantly as he finished a boring story about a cook he fired for taking too long to cook. He broke his chopsticks apart and set them in-between his fingers.

Y/n sighed "it was good other than being scolded for my hair colour" y/n replied absentmindedly as she picked at her food. He set the chopsticks down "you should dye your hair black or brown so you look normal your eyes are enough as it is" he tisked

Y/n's oddly shaded eyes gazed back at him, "I like the color though" she replied solemnly loosing her appetite. He snorted "and that's why your weird anyways about my maid.." he started

Y/n frowned at her bowl, everything is about him she thought before placing her head in her palm and nodding along. They finished dinner , y/n already tired of listening to him complain about how his maid folded his clothes. Really clothes?

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