"I'm sorry, what?" I licked my lips and leaned in a bit, enunciating my words this time.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Aaron shook his head, apparent confusion on his face as he thought.

"I don't know," I nodded, accepting that as an answer, "A lot."

"How many people?" Aaron stayed quiet, his face hardening at my question. That's the look of a man who feels guilty – we don't see that look often, not even with the kids.



"Because they tried to kill me," I nodded. That's a good reason to kill someone. Hell, I've killed for a lot less. That girl in the woods that tried to rob me—I could've let her go. I could've fired a warning shot or shot her in the leg, but instead, I shot her in the chest and left her to bleed out and turn. Rick turned and held a listening device in his hand; an eyebrow cocked at Aaron.

"You were listening to us?" Glenn asked with an accusatory tone in his voice.

"I already said I was watching you," Aaron groaned, "Yes, I was listening."

"It means his people could have one too," Rick snapped, "They could've heard our plan. This isn't safe!" As I was about to open my mouth, Glenn slammed on the brakes, and blood splattered across the windshield. I yelped as I flew forward, my heart beating wildly. The end of the world, and I die in a car crash? How stupid is that?

More and more bodies hit the car, making it impossible to see out of the windshield and the windows as blood splattered everywhere. Finally, after a minute or two more of Glenn's wild driving, we stopped, and Rick and Glenn quickly exited the vehicle.

"You okay?" I asked as I turned to look at Aaron, my hand on the car door. Aaron nodded once, not answering as I jumped out. Behind us was a massive horde of walkers, easily outnumbering us by at least fifty. The RV was nowhere to be seen. I just hope they must have turned around as we collided with the walkers. Hurriedly, I jumped back in the car and shut the door, hearing as Rick shouted directions to Glenn.

Glenn turned the key in the ignition, but the car sputtered and stalled, struggling to come alive. He cursed and continued turning the key, muttering small praises for it to turn on. I grabbed the handle on the door and pushed, quickly running to the car's front and inspecting the damage.

Guts, arms, legs, and gross, congealed blood lined the entire front, making me cringe as I started to pull the limbs from under the hood. The growls and moans behind me got closer with each passing second, and I rushed to free the hood of all the body parts. A light in the distance illuminated the night, forcing me to turn to watch as a single flare shot through the sky. I pulled the final leg from under the hood and ran up to the passenger door, my hand grabbing the handle. The door flew open, hitting me square in the abdomen and sending me flying toward the ground. I let a startled cry escape my lips as I hit the pavement, my elbows scraping against the hard ground. Aaron dashed out of the car, his hands still bound behind his back, and took off into the dark woods. I grabbed my knife and jumped up to my feet, ready to chase after him.

"June," Rick screamed, "Leave him," The flare! If we saw it, Abraham had to see it, and he'd drive towards it! It's our only hope of finding them. I have to go after Aaron.

"They saw that flare!" I screamed at him, "They'll think we shot it. This is how we find them!" I ran forward, keeping an eye on the bound man who ran a considerable distance in front of me. Boots harshly landing on the ground let me know that Rick and Glenn were close behind me. Walkers started to flood in every direction, overwhelming us and cutting us off from Aaron as he continued to race ahead. I grabbed my knife and gun, firing a few shots into the growing herd. Rick and I pressed our backs together, continuing our onslaught, but Glenn was nowhere to be seen.

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