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Entering my third-period class, I walked straight towards one of the empty desks. It was right in the middle of the room and thankfully nobody I disliked surrounded that area. The teacher still hasn't arrived but that's our Math teacher for you. As good as Mrs. Tate was with numbers she was always late and the students took that well to an advantage. 

Chatter was on about in the classroom, and the main subject was the new student. The new student who was a hottie - I'll give him that but he wasn't anything special. He just looked really nice. From what I can get he was pretty intimidating and rude, but still quiet. He wasn't normal.

"I'm sorry, class! Being late for your first day back is a new low for me. I apologize!"

Nobody bothered to say anything to Mrs. Tate, we all knew she would continue to beat herself over it regardless of all the kind words saying 'It's okay' but would jump right back to her usual self halfway through the period. She was a good person in my book. Even though she was unbelievably annoying at times.

"Okay, let's start with attendance. Haley Ad-" 

As Mrs. Tate was interrupted, it walked the new kid. Everyone quieted down waiting for the next move to happen, these kids really have nothing better to do. 

"Oh! You must be Zayden Stone. The new student, I hope the Middleton community has been treating you well. You probably didn't know where the class was, but I hope you don't make a habit of being late, please."

He nodded his head at the sweet smile Mrs. Tate was displaying, and just stood there.

"Oh my! Take any empty seat. I just came in as well, so you haven't missed anything." Her Middleton accent was slipping in, and that just made her seem much more kind.

Zayden, the new kid, went towards the back and took a seat in the corner. He was isolated from the rest of us. So he was the kind of guy who preferred to be left alone. Cute.

Turning back around I focused on the words that Mrs. Tate was saying, most of which I drowned out. I knew how all of this went - she would start by introducing herself, even though we all knew her. Then she would tell the class rules, which nobody ever follows. 

After that, the bell would ring, and we would all be dismissed.


It was lunch, and since I brought a PB&J I walked straight towards the library. As you can see, I don't have any friends and not because I can't make any - just because I wasn't ready to let myself out there again. I wasn't prepared for all the hardships that are going to be taking place.

Entering the large school library I walked towards the table in the corner, out of view from the librarian. She would never let me eat in here - and I don't wanna' be the alone weird kid who has no friends sitting all alone. It wasn't cool.

After I had everything set up, I plugged in my headphone and with a book in one hand and my sandwich in the other I started to bob my head to the music.

With being so consumed in what was in front of me, I didn't notice the movement in front of me and I didn't hear the scraping of the chair. But what I did notice was an intense stare digging a hole in my very being. I looked up and made eye contact with a pair of emerald green eyes. I put my sandwich and book down, and pulled my earbuds out.


In return Zayden just gave me a raise of his eyebrows, but no emotion was displayed on his face. I noticed he didn't have any food so being the kind soul that I was - I gave him my sandwich. With no words, I slid the sandwich over to him and looked down at the table. Usually, I would be the one to stare right back, but the intensity his eyes screamed was too much for even myself to handle. 

How can a pair of eyes be so intimidating?

"No thanks." He slid it right back and went back to staring back at me. I didn't touch the sandwich.

"So, My name's Jami-"

"Jamie Heart."


"Zayden Stone."

"New kid."


After a long pause I decided to cut the awkward atmosphere, "Well, you see I gotta go." I quickly gathered my thing and made a run for it - not looking back.

I didn't even grab my PB&J.

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