•Tᴀᴋᴇ ʜɪᴍ ᴏɴ•

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((Y/N'S POV)

"Fu-" I then looked at Guppy and at everyone else, "fudge..." Guppy rolled her eyes.

"We can't risk any of you guys getting caught. Stay behind me and use your powers when you need too." I told them and we stealthy began walking the halls.

We kept walking and suddenly heard a scream. A Capella got captured. We turned around and some of Thunder Dooms team were behind us.

"When will you ever leave me alone, Tom." I said and walked in front of everyone.

"When you finally give in." He said and charged at me. I shot fire at him and he groaned. I pushed him into a wall while I started fighting one of his other workers. The rest of the team were fighting as well.

I grabbed the guys arm and flipped him over my shoulder.

(Like what Guppy did)

Another guard came after me and I kicked him in the stomach, causing him to hit a wall. He got back up but I held out my arm, aiming at his neck. He started gagging and choking. I looked at Tom as he got up.

My eyes started glowing a bright red and put him in a trance.

"Tom Ralphy. You are now on our team. You will lead us to your father and help us fight him. Then, you will lead us to where he hid my friends and parents. He nodded and began walking. I dropped the guy I had against the wall and he fell to the floor, unconscious. My eyes were still glowing and I signaled the rest to follow me.

(That power is from your biological mother.)

He lead us to what seemed to be a control room. We walked in and I set Tom aside.

"Hey, dad." I said. Everyone just stared and some gasped.

"Mi linda niña! ¿Qué? ¿Me extrañaste?"
(My pretty little girl! What? Did you miss me?)

"¿Qué? ¡No! Tu hijo me agredío!"
(What? No! Your son assaulted me!)

Missy gasped and everyone started asking her what I said. 

"Now, now princess. He was simply trying to get along with you!" He said. I was fuming at this point.

"Oh! Yes! BECAUSE GETTING ALONG WITH SOMEONE INCLUDES RAPE!" I screeched at them. Everyone gasped and wildcard covered Guppy's ears, "Mother should have never married you! You're the reason my father is dead!"

"Your father got blown up! The man was drinking and crashed! You little oblivious child!" He yelled back. I lost it. He has no fucking right to talk about my father like that.

"LIAR!" I yelled at him. I charged at him and blew him against a wall. My eyes started glowing again.

"TOM GO FREE THE REST." I yelled at him and he ran to go free the rest of the heroics.

I motioned my hand up and he started floating I smashed him to the floor. He got up and started choking me. I struggled to get out of his grasp and started gagging.

I was then let down to the floor. I looked up and saw my mother and step dad fighting. I started crying of joy and fear. The other Heroics arrived and watched with me. I looked back at them smiling, but they were frowning, my smile faded and I looked back at Thunder.

He stabbed my mom. I screamed in agony and threw fire at him continuously.

"You fucking bitch!" I yelled. I was burning his skin, he groaned and yelled in pain. I was crying and screaming.


He was already dead, but I kept going.

"DIE! BURN IN HELL." I kept shooting fire at him. I couldn't stop. He needed to pay for what he did, for what Tom did.

I kept screaming and it was getting bad. I felt someone grabbing me from behind.

"(Y/N), it's time to go. Our job is done. Your job is done. It's over." Wheels said in my ear pulling me away, trying his hardest not to get burned.


"Let's go (Y/N)!" He said in my ear. I somehow accidentally shot fire at my self. And the last I heard was Wheels calling out my name. I fell unconscious in his arms.

Well that was...interesting.....

I hope you guys liked this chapter. I told myself I was going to make it pretty short but I kept getting ideas along the way soooooo anyways. I'm about to upload on my Nathan Blair x reader

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