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It's been a while since our encounter with the aliens of planet Ogima.

I'm currently in my room on my phone. I was scrolling on Instagram when I got a message.

'Incoming message' I opened it and it was from Wheels.

Wheels 😎❤️
Hey, (Y/N)!

Wheels was one of the only kids out of the junior heroics I allowed to call me by my real name.

(Y/N) 🥰👻
Hey, Wheels! What's up?

Wheels 😎❤️
My dad allowed me to go over for a bit. If that's okay with your parents.

(Y/N) 🥰👻
I'll go ask them now
read 1:15 pm

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen

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"Hey, mom!" I said. She waved and smiled, then dad walked downstairs.

"Hey, dad!"

"Hey, hun." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Can Wheels come over?" I asked nervously, fiddling with my fingers.

They looked at each other and then back at me.

"You know dad and Miracle Guy don't get along." Mom said.

"Please! It's just Wheels. We won't cause you any trouble." I pleaded with puppy eyes.

Dad sighed and spoke up, "ok, Wheels can come over." Dad said.

My face lit up and I smiled.

"Really?!" I asked. They smiled and nodded yes.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I hugged them and ran back upstairs. I then texted Wheels.

They said yes!

Wheels 😎❤️
Great! I'll be there in 30 minutes!
read 1:30 pm

I pressed a red button on the side of my bed and a desktop with my gaming setup popped up as well as my tv.

I pressed a red button on the side of my bed and a desktop with my gaming setup popped up as well as my tv

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