~Belphegor~The Catnapping Seventh Born~Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Here's your punishment for earlier, you didn't think you could get away with it now did you?" Lips wet with saliva, he whimpered against your neck, "I'm sorry, please, please keep going-" You shook your head, standing up. "Nope. Now you get to cook. AND don't you pull any of that i cAnT cOoK with me! I've seen you cooking at 4am, so let's see it."

He took your hand and stood up. "You want me to cook in the nude?" You glanced around before jumping up. "I've got just the thing!" He watched you bounce out of the kitchen, and return in a couple minutes with a frilly pink apron. "...My butt will be completely out, you know that?"

"Yeah <3" He tied it around his waist, turning to face you. "What do you want to eat?" You opened the fridge and glanced around, looking over your shoulder at him. "I think... that ass ;)" Narrowly dodging the wooden spoon as it flew past you, you raised your hands in surrender. "Alright alright, I think... omurice!" 

He smiled, "I'm only cooking for you, though. If anyone else asked it'd be a no. So you better enjoy it." You sat on a bar stool and watched him dig through the spice cabinet before walking over to the fridge. After bending unnecessarily far to grab the eggs, he wiggled his ass for good measure before straightening up, knowing full well your eyes were on him. 

As the rice sizzled in the pan, he kept "accidentally dropping things" to your amusement. After he dropped the same spoon for the third time, you sighed. "Oh darling, you know you shouldn't tease me so~" He smiled, "I haven't the faintest idea what you mean, dear~"

He turned back to the stove to stir the rice, oblivious to you stalking around the bar. A yelp slipped out as he felt a hand slap his ass, and his pouty face was beet read. "Y/nnnn! You surprised me!" Turning back to cooking, Belphie exhaled shakily as your hand crept around his side and rubbed the base of his manhood.

Sliding the finished meal onto a plate with some difficulty, he topped it with ketchup. Your hands slipped off of his body as he handed you the plate, lips trembling from your attention. Taking a bite of the meal, you closed your eyes to savor the taste. "Mmm! You're a really good cook, you know! Sexy too~!"

He pushed you over to a chair as you laughed; "Hurry up and eat!" Taking another bite, you looked down at him as he lay his head on the counter. "Such a needy little thing, aren't you?" He puckered his lips, looking directly at you as he replied, "Only for you, charming~" Quickly polishing off the meal, you lifted him bridal style and padded up to the attic, the silence punctuated by his aroused panting.

Dropping him on the bed, you flicked off the lights and almost tripped over the rug. "Y/n! Are you ok?!" You caught yourself on a stack of blankets and turned to reply, but it quickly toppled over on top of you with an even louder crash.  Belphie turned on the fairy lights you had put up in summer to see you buried under a bunch of blankets. "Y/n!!"

After being dug out, you sat on the bed next to Belphie in silence. "So..." You turned to him but he didn't finish the sentence. Meeting your eyes, he snorted, and you both burst out laughing. "Damn Belphie I really killed the mood!' He laughed, "No it's ok! I thought you fell through the floor or something!" He squished your face between his hands, rubbing his forehead against you. "Don't die on me before sex, okay~"

You snickered, turning on the tv to his favorite teledrama as he snuggled against your side. It can wait, we have all the time in the world after all! The story was rather boring to you, but Belphie seemed to like it so you were willing to put it on. As the episode progressed, the main character made several stupid mistakes but her harem was willing to save her from all of them. There was a particularly steamy scene going on at the moment...

She was pushed up against the wall by one of her lovers, and before anything could progress, the tv turned off. You looked down at Belphie, amused by his red face. "Aww baby, you want to be her right now huh?" Leaning down, you licked his lip and he allowed you entrance, deepening the kiss as though you were all he needed.

His hands wrapped around you, and it was all the indication you needed to see he was ready. He took your hand gently, and began to suck on your fingers. Amused, you felt him twirl his tongue around them as you pumped them gently inside his mouth. 

"Look at you. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? All it took was my fingers in your mouth and your quivering with excitement." His dick twitched slightly, and you pulled your fingers out of his mouth with a pop. Pulling off your clothes with one hand, you slipped the wet fingers inside yourself, quivering slightly but not showing any vulnerability. 

Belphie pulled you against him as you loosened yourself up a bit, he looked desperate for your touch. Finally ready, you reached for him, stroking his sides as he closed his eyes. Sucking on one of his nipples while twiddling the other one, you felt him change forms his tail brushed your back.

"You're so wet for me, whore. You must be desperate for me to start." Straddling the boy, you led his tip to your entrance before bending down to kiss him. He eagerly kissed back, and you smiled into it as you slammed your hips down, taking all of him at once. He gasped into the kiss, his moans coming out like yelps as you kept lifting your hips and pushing him back in. 

Speeding up, you felt him try to roll his hips up and grabbed a handful of hair, using it to shove his head back as he moaned. "Pushing back already? How slutty of you. Don't move unless I tell you too." His tail flicked back and forth as you rode him, and he mewled as you sucked on his nipples and continued to ride him. "How are you doing, baby?" His eyes were clouded with lust but he managed to choke out the safeword, "G-GREEN~!" (it means go in terms of stoplight safewords)

Smiling, you kissed his jaw. "You're doing so well for me, sweetie~" His back arched as warm liquid gushed into you, but you weren't quite done with him. Taking his length back in, you stopped, letting him ride out the erotic high. "Bel~ phe~ gor~ Did I say you could cum~?" 

He looked up at you, drool running down the side of his face and the dark blush making him look all the more enticing. "N-no..."

"That means I have to keep going, doesn't it?"


You reached down to stroke his face. "Use our words if you need to, baby~?" With that, you began to bang him again, immediately hearing him moan from the overstimulation. His tail wrapped around you as he lost control of the appendage, but it only supported you as you clenched around his cock, stiffening as the knot came undone inside you. 

Coating him in your liquids, you pulled off him and flopped down on the bed, resting your head on his stomach and pumping his dick again. By the sound of his moans, he was close to a second climax. He whimpered out few coherent words, "O-Oh~ Y/n~ Faster~ P-please~" and you took his shaft in your mouth and stroked what you couldn't take in.

Tongue lapping at the tip, you felt him arch his back again, and your lips were soon painted with the thick white cum. Leaning over him, you kissed him again. His face was a mess of sweat, tears, blush, and drool, but god it was beautiful. "You did so good for me baby!" Turning to get up and find wipes, you felt his tail circle your waist and pull you back in bed.

Laying against his bare skin, you sighed. "I guess we'll clean up later..." He pulled the blanket over your shoulders, and you both fell asleep in the haze of ecstasy and exhaustion.

you're welcome :) I'm probably going to include the use of yellow and red (stoplight safewords) in the dia x luci x reader to acknowledge the insecurity one might have using safewords. Remember babies, it's always ok to use safewords when you have to <3

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