Blood of the demon

Start from the beginning

"Can you go with them, please." Kory nodded and she walked out. They  walked out and the room became quiet again. At first he didn't think much of it but after a while he noticed that it wasn't just the room, it was the entire building. He looked up.

"Leslie?" Damian could see Leslie standing at his side, probably closing him up. but she wasn't talking. "Leslie!" Damian used his strength to tare down the separator and his voice hitched when he saw a gun pointed at Leslies head. Damian was just about stitched up and Leslie seemed to be finishing the job. Damian looked at the man and growled.

"Don't bother Ibn." A voice said in Arabic. Damian froze. That voice. He turned his head as much as he could and behind him stood his mother.

"Talia." He said, terrified. "What are you..?"

"You really think you could hide the birth of my grandchildren from me, Ibn? Or the mere fact that you let yourself be marked?" Damian was petrified. He wouldn't admit it but his mother scared him more than she should. She still held so much power over him. She walked up standing next to his bed. Looking him over, a knife in her hand. She moved the knife bending his head to the side with it to inspect Jason's mark. "Disgraceful." Damian clenched his eyes shut. Addressing his mother in Arabic.

"Mother, what do you want?"

"What is mine son, the children are al ghul. The blood of the demon runs through them. They belong to him." Damian's eyes shut open.

"Mother please you can't, he will kill them, grandfather..." Talia interrupted him.

"Your grandfather will do with his heirs as he sees fit. Just as I will mine." Talia pressed the knife into Damians skin where the mark was and Damian clenched his eyes together, and tried to fight her off but she slapped him hard and struck him in the chest. Delivering many cuts and hits to his body.

"Don't, he is weak, you'll kill him!" Leslie called out and Talia snapped her head to look at her.

"Do what I told you doctor, or you might be next." Leslie gulped and Talia turned back to Damian that was clearly struggling to breathe. Talia bent forward, setting the knife over his right breast.

"Do you see now why you should never be marked Ibn. It makes you weak, dependent. If you would have stayed unmarked you could probably have defeated me, but because your tramp of an alpha is occupied you don't stand a chance." Damian turned to look at her pain in his eyes.

"Occupied?" Talia gave an evil grin.

"I sent Ubu to distract him but there was no need, he was drooling over a beta, completely relaxed and enjoying himself." Damian felt his chest tighten.

"No, you are lying. I know what you are trying to do. You want to break my spirit, make me dough my mate bond to hurt me. But you lie Jason would never..."

"Cheat on you?" Damian's eyes widened and he felt so powerless. He looked away. "Oh beloved, I told you the dangers of mating another, the heartbreak. Alphas are beasts who only care about one thing. And it is not your feelings." Damian clenched his eyes shut again. He was desperately trying to convince himself she was lying. But Talia had been manipulating him since birth to that when he was ten, she knew what to say. "Such a shame really, you were so promising Damian. Me and your grandfather had high hopes for you. But I guess it wasn't meant to be. At least you gave us two new spesements to work on. Goodbye Ibn al xu'ffasch, in the name of the demon I release you." Talia pushed her blade into Damian's chest and he gave a horrific scream. She continued to stab and slice over Damian till he lost consciousness just barely breathing. She placed the knife over his heart and readied to strike. But then she looked at his face and perhaps a bit of sentiment for the boy made her lower her blade and walk away. She stopped and turned to Leslie. "Try and save him, will you." She said before walking away.

Bruce entered the clinic. It was a mess. Looked like a tornado had gone through it.

"Bruce!" He looked up and met Leslies eyes as she came walking out.

"Is he alright?" Leslie looked sad.

"He is unconscious. His mother did hurt him pretty badly. I have him sedated."

"And Koriand'r?"

"She is awake, I don't know how they overpowered her but somehow they did. She is fine but a bit shaken. Have you heard from Jason?" Leslie turned and started walking, still keeping eye contact with Bruce who followed.

"He, Roy, Dick and Tim are tracking down Talia. Hopefully they will get to her before she leaves the country, or hurt the children."

"I don't think she will. Hurt them I mean." Bruce gave her a questioned look. "From my limited Arabic I understood that she told Damian that they were blood, and that they would be treated as such."

"That doesn't mean she won't hurt them. Just look at what she has done against Damian over the years. Even when he was still loyal to her." Leslie opened a door and they walked inside a room. Bruce stopped and his heart fell as he looked at his son. Damian was pale and was laying in a hospital bed. Hooked up to a ventilator. He was bandaged up all over his body and more bruises than he could count. Bruce walked up to him, taking his hand and squeezing it. "I'm so sorry Damian. I should have been there." Bruce turned to Leslie. "Is the ventilator necessary?"

"For now, He had a collapsed lung, we fixed it but the ventilator gives it a better chance to heal. And empty out all the fluid in his lungs." Bruce nodded and turned back to his son.

"Don't worry son, everything is going to be alright."

Arabic translation

Ibn- son

Ibn al xu'ffasch - Son of the bat

Mates by accident, yours by choice / JayDami OmegaversWhere stories live. Discover now