Chapter Three

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After about fifteen minutes of walking along the edge of the lake, she finds an old tree trunk lying in the dirt just on the water’s edge. Checking there was nothing living in or on the old stump; she sat down facing the water, and watched the sun as it started to set over the clear sparkling lake.

She knew it was stupid to be upset about what Max was doing with Brittany. He is defiantly not the guy she thought he was. However, that does not erase two years of feelings easily. How was it in the last two years of school she has not seen this side of him, How is it she got it so wrong about him? She was confused and didn’t know what to do about all the emotions that were running through her.

The sound of a twig breaking behind her brought her out of her thoughts. Thinking it was one of the guys planning to pull a prank on her she quickly spins around only to find it’s not one of the guys. Instead, a massive black wolf stood there staring at her. She instantly froze on the spot and stared at the huge wolf the size of a freaking miniature pony. It’s long silky black fur shinning in the afternoon sun. Lucy stares into its huge black eyes that were already staring widely at her. Oh, god I’m going to die, she thought to herself. Any minute now, it’s going to attack me. Deciding she didn’t want to see when it attacked she squeezed her eyes shut and waiting for the pain. Only to open them when nothing happened. The black wolf was still standing in the same spot perfectly still like a statue watching her. Her initial panic at seeing the wolf eased some when it remained in its place. Allowing her mind to think a bit more rationally. She tried to think about what she should do. Were wolfs like dogs, if she ran would it chase her? Should she stay perfectly still and it won’t attack? Should she run for it, and scream for help? Could she scare the wolf away? Thankfully before she could decide what to do, the black wolf turned around and walked back into the woods disappearing behind a large bush. Thinking the wolf is tricking her Lucy remained frozen on the spot. Too afraid to move in case the wolf was just waiting for her to move. She then thought that maybe there were more wolves and the black wolf took off to find them so they could attack her, she decided she would rather take the risk and started running  in the direction of her camp. Tripping over in her haste she crashed onto the sandy ground. Not bothering to check for any cuts, or scratches she scrambled to her feet and kept running. Taking care not to fall over again.

What was a wolf doing there? There are no wolves in these woods, all the years she has been coming here, she has never seen one. Well so, she thought anyway, she‘d have to warn the others to be careful when they go walking off. Maybe they should all pack up and leave. They didn’t have any weapons to keep them safe should the wolves attack. It only takes her ten minutes to get back to camp as she pretty much sprinted  the entire way. Her heart racing and out of breath, she slowed to a jog when she could smell the campfire knowing she was almost there. She ran into the trees cautious of what was around her. The sound of her friends laughing and joking reassured her she was Safe, and back at camp.

“Hey Luc, are you ok? You were gone a while.” Abby asked her when she appeared in front of her.

“Yeah, we were thinking of sending out a search party,” Cassy pipes in. “Hey are you ok?” She asked when she got a good look at her “You look paler then before you went on your walk.”

Re-write, Secrets Beneath the eyes  (SBTE Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now