16 | No more Mr Nice guy

Start from the beginning

Luka: Marinette

Luka: Marinette, are you there?

Luka: Don't ignore me

Luka: Hello, I need to speak to you

Luka: I hope your not ignoring me

Luka: Marinette.

Luka: Marinette answer me!


Give me a break.

That boy is busy messaging me like I want to talk to him. He is the last person I would want to talk to right now. He can do me a massive favour and just leave me alone.

I left Luka on read and went back to reading my book. Unfortunately for me, he continued spamming my phone.


Luka: Hey

Luka: Don't leave me on read

Luka: Answer me

Luka: Hello

Luka: You better not leave me on delivered too

Luka: Marinette talk to me

Luka: Hello


I left him on delivered this time and put my phone on do not disturb.

You should've done that ages ago

I know.

After spending 30 minutes reading, I decided to head back to my apartment.

As I was peacefully watching Youtube on my Tv, there was a knock on the door. Thinking that it was Adrien, I went to open the door only to find Luka standing there.

"Marinette can we talk-"

I slammed the door in his face and was began to walk away when I saw he had slid a paper under the door.


I picked it up and scanned it.

'We need to talk'

I opened the door and scrunched the paper up and threw it at  Luka's face. I tried to close the door again but Luka held the door still causing me to glare at him.

"Look Marinette, I know you're mad at me but can we please talk about this. I promise I will leave you alone afterwards." Luka pleaded.

Go and see what he has to say.

But I don't want to speak to him

Just go.

Okay fine. But if this is a trap then I'm going to have more problems with that boy.

"Fine. 5 minutes and that's it." I rolled my eyes. I shut the door and got the tote bag I used earlier and placed my phone in it again before reopening the door.

Luka put his hand out signalling for me to take it. I looked at him with a disgusted expression and walked past him.

Is he trying to act like a gentleman now? Where was this behaviour when he was cheating on you?

He watched me walk away from him then ran up to catch up with me. Once we got out of the apartments, Luka took me on a walk into the forest.

I had a feeling that we were being watched. But it didn't bother me. The only thing that was running through my mind was to get the hell away from Luka.

"It's a nice day today, isn't it?" Luka said, trying to lighten the mood.

Not the small talk.

"I don't have time for this, are you gonna say what you need to say or not because I have places to be." I scoffed.

"Marinette don't you miss what we used to be?"

HA! No.

"Why would I miss that?" I frowned.

"All the memories we made together"

They are dead now, big boy.

"That's in the past and it will stay in the past. We're in the present now. All the memories we had have been erased from my mind." I rolled my eyes.

"I wish we had something between us."

Why is he still going on? Can he not take a hint?

"Me too." I smiled innocently.


"Yes, a wall" I smirked as I started walking away.

"Why are you acting like this?" Luka frowned.

"Like what?"

"Your acting like stupid Agreste." Luka scoffed.

"Awww am I?" I stopped walking and smiled innocently at him, "So what?" I smirked as I continued walking away.

Luka grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "Hey!" I snapped.

Not the arm pulling thing again.

"Marinette this isn't you"

"Well now it is, guess you've missed out on a lot of things since you decided to cheat on me." I scoffed.

"Don't be like this"

"Too late." I smirked. "I never asked you to cheat on me did I?" I smiled innocently.

I tried to turn around and walk away once more but Luka stopped me again.

He needs to back up.

I slapped him hard on his face and smiled, "Don't mess with me. Because of you, Mr nice guy is gone." 

I fixed my hair and clothes then proudly walked away from the boy and back to the apartments.

Such a waste of time.

Third person POV

The feeling that Marinette had was true. There was indeed a blonde boy watching the two's little encounter. He was very entertained by Marinette's responses and her actions.

Adrien appeared from his hiding place laughing at Luka who now had a big red mark on his face.

"Damn, you look a little beat up," Adrien chuckled. Luka looked up at him while holding the area that Marinette slapped him. "Revenge is sweet especially when it comes for you." Adrien walked away and ran over to Marinette to congratulate her for beating his enemy up leaving an angry Luka behind.

Luka's POV

I don't know what just happened but I will be back.

Marinette, I'm coming for you.

You won't get away with this.


Hey guys. A more action based chapter. I must say I am proud of Marinette for standing up for herself. Her self confidence is definitely improving. What do you think of Marinette's and Luka's encounter? How do you feel about Marinette slapping Luka and what do you think of Adrien watching their whole encounter? Hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter and see you in the next one.

- Miss Miah

Word count - 1445 words


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