Chapter 14 - Shiganshina Falls Part 1

Start from the beginning

"That's impossible."

"We need to go back there I have family there!"

"Me too!"

"Yeah we're scouts, killing titans is our job."

"Are you crazy?! We need to leave now!"

"Yeah I second that guy!"

Erwin pinched the bridge of his nose again, everyone was freaking out and he understood their frustration. He wanted to go back himself to find (Y/N) and Shadis, but that would be suicide. The yelling started getting louder as scouts argued back and forth, some we're crying, some we're completely silent.

The Commander took in a deep breath, "ATTEEEEEENNNNNNNTION." Everyone quickly shut up and saluted.

"I understand these are unprecedented times, but right now humanity's only hope is to relocate our headquarters back to Trost District and help their Garrison soldiers with refugees. Shiganshina has fallen and sending our men will only be a death sentence, we cannot afford to lose any members, especially not now."

His words echoed across the field and seemed to have knocked some sense into those shouting earlier, the grim reality dawning on them that if they didn't act fast, they would soon perish as well. Erwin started delegating tasks among the Section Commanders on how to evacuate everyone and which equipment to bring. Within an hour the Scout Headquarters was completely abandoned and everyone was on their way to Trost.


2 Hours Before The Titan Attack

A Few Miles Outside Shiganshina

Your POV

Eren fell asleep against the tree while Armin sat peacefully against the bark, reading more of his book. Currently Mikasa and I are wandering around collecting sticks for kindling to bring back to the Jaeger's. I noticed she was quieter than normal and had a solemn expression on her face.

"Hey Mikasa, what's wrong sweetie?"

She kept her head down and avoided eye contact as she sat down, "It's nothing really, just you talking about your brother earlier reminded me of my family."

Considering her expression, I had a feeling she does not have a normal family background. Even after living with the Jaeger's and visiting them for months, I still never found out why they adopted her and what happened to her parents. I don't even know her last name.

I gently rub her back, "Do you want to talk about it?"

She hugs her knees to her chest and buries her face, "I don't want to bring you down, it's not a happy story."

"Hey it's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but just know I'm here for you."

She looks over and stares at Eren's sleeping form for a minute before turning back to me. "About a year ago some men came to my house and murdered my parents." She paused, taking a deep breath in, and I instantly knew where this was going. "They originally wanted to kidnap my mom and I, apparently since we're of Asian decent, we..." Her sentence was cut off by a few sobs erupting from her throat.

Pulling her into my lap, I squeezed her tight and she nuzzled her head against my shoulder. My eyes were wide and I felt a sinking feeling in my heart as guilt started to fill my chest. I should have known she was the girl of the parents my family ordered to kill and traffic.

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