
"Can I cry?" Asaiah asked again.

"Of course hun, it's 100% ok if you need to cry."

A tear fell, then another and another and soon Asaiah couldn't control it.

It was a mix of sad and angry tears.

Keisha got up and walked over to the young boy.

She gave him a reassuring hug, a long hug, a hug she didn't know Asaiah needed.

"It's gonna be ok."

She pat his back like she did her own kids when they were young.

Asaiah wiped his tears. "Can I stay here for the night?"

It was going on 2 in the morning and Damien still wasn't back.

Keisha nodded. "I'll get that room in the back ready for you."

Asaiah nodded.


Asaiah laid in the queen sized bed alone with nothing but his thoughts.

He watched kids in his neighborhood go to school, and play outside, and spend time with family.

Asaiah didn't have any of that.

He had no one but his art.

Alone, and scared for his own life.


"Asaiah!" Damien yelled.

Asaiah got caught at Keisha's house and was in deep trouble.

"You told that bitch our business?"

"She's not a b word."

"She is whatever I say she is."

"Like I said you tell that bitch our business?"

Asaiah didn't answer.

"You don't hear me nigga?" Damien asked as he shoved Asaiah in a wall.

"Leave me alone."

Damien laughed.

"You ain't nobody young blood, just a fag that can draw."

Asaiah clenched his fist.

Damien laughed at Asaiah yet again.

Damien bent down to his level.

"What you gonna do? Hit me?"

"You can't do shit, you'll never be shit."

Damien started to stand up but Asaiah striked him right in the jaw.

Damien touched his lip and looked at his hand.

His lip was busted.

Damien was pissed.

Damien went to punch Asaiah but Asaiah ducked and punch him in the stomach.

Damien grunted in pain but didn't let that stop him.

He grabbed for Asaiah and as he did so Asaiah bit his finger.

Damien was now bleeding from his lip and finger.

Damien threw Asaiah over his shoulder and slammed him on the hard floor.

Asaiah gasped for air but that didn't stop Damien.

Damien continued to punch and kick Asaiah's little body.

Asaiah groaned and grunted.

Damien didn't stop until Asaiah was coughing up blood.

"Little shit!"

Damien tensed up at the sound of police sirens and quickly ran leaving Asaiah in pain.

Asaiah laid on the wooded floor hoping he would die already.

His life sucked.

Asaiah felt his eyes get heavy he fought it until he couldn't anymore.

Asaiah laid in the empty house alone.

Moments passed and Asaiah could breathe.

He opened his eyes lightly to police and EMS workers.

"Don't worry little guy." One of the workers reassured him.

The picked Asaiah up and put him on a stretcher.

Asaiah heard as a policeman spoke in his radio.

"We got a little boy here, he seems to be the only one in the house, stay on the lookout for Damien Taylor he is said to be the foster dad."

Asaiah blinked a few times as he was rolled out of the house.

The hot sun shined on his brown skin.

"Asaiah!" Keisha yelled as she saw Asaiah being carried out.

She ran over to him.

"Ma'am you can't-

An EMS worker started but was cut off when he was lightly pushed out of the way.

Keisha walked over to the stretcher.

She grabbed Asaiah's tiny hand and kissed it.

She wiped a falling tear and smiled faintly.

"You have a talent and you better use it, I better not see you out in these streets selling drugs, be better than us."

Asaiah moved his head even with the oxygen mask on Keisha could tell it was a nod.

"I love you and I wanna see you do great things-

"Ma'am if you are not the biological mother please step away from the stretcher he needs medical attention ASAP." A policeman said cutting her off.

Keisha nodded.

"It's gonna be ok!" She yelled as she was pulled away.

Asaiah nodded, believing her.

Everything would hopefully be ok.


Asaiah's life prior to the foster home and meeting Justice

Thoughts on young Asaiah in this chapter?

Thoughts on Damien?

Thoughts on Keisha?


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