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Tuesday December 29th 2016
Noelles P.O.V

Paris was so beautiful at Christmas time. The lights shone strong through the city and there was the most beautiful quotes displayed throughout the town. And not even to mention the fashion. Paris fashion is elite. There. I said it.

I held Nialls hand as we strolled through Paris and went to shop to shop spending our lifetimes savings. Possibly our retirement money as-well .

"This dress would be perfect on Sophia! What do you think?" I smile picking up the little Burberry Dress.

"It is beautiful Noelle but, she'll grow out of it so fast since she's little" Niall sensibly.

"True. I'll get it in a bigger size so she can wear it when she's older" i smirk and Niall shakes his head.

"My opinion was irrelevant wasn't it?" Niall laughs and i nod.

"Typical" Niall laughs and he moves on to look at the other baby clothes.

We bought her another little gucci dress and i decided to tag her Uncle Harry in it on instagram.

We bought her another little gucci dress and i decided to tag her Uncle Harry in it on instagram

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9.1 million likes. 5.2 million comments

@NoelleOfficial: gucci dress for sophia🥺 @harrystyles do you approve?


@LouisTomlinson: she needs an adidas dress next!!

@kaceymusgraves: i love this!

@AshelynMusic: this is so beautiful😍

We walked through the streets of Paris after our day spent well shopping and we took pictures at beautiful little cafés and restaraunts. We saw beautiful street art, flower walls and such instagrammable content.


Tonight,Niall and I were going out for dinner in a little posh restaurant 10 minutes from the town central. The meal was booked for 8pm and it was currently 7. I had just gotten out of the shower 40 minutes ago and all i had left to do was straighten my hair, put on my outfit and then do my makeup.

I was in the middle of straightening my hair when i heard Niall singing in the bathroom.

"You still make me nervous, when you walk in the room. Them butterflies they come alive when im next to her. Over and Over the only truth. Everything comes back to her"

It was a new song he was working on, in hopes he had enough tracks to release a solo album in the new year

"Great singing Baby!" I call out to him and he thanks me.

I start on makeup applying product after product after product. God it takes alot to become beautiful doesn't it?

Finally i was ready and dressed and had Niall take my pictures for instagram.

Finally i was ready and dressed and had Niall take my pictures for instagram

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6.2 million likes.   998k comments

@NoelleOfficial: take me shopping in paris baby🇫🇷🖤

@noelle hater: she fucking uses him

@LottieTomlinson: beautiful baby!

@HayleyOConnor: Soph misses you two x

@NiallHoran: thats my baby😍


When we got to dinner, We were directed to a table overlooking the city's view, and we knew this was a beautiful moment for us.

"Wow this is beautiful!" Niall awes as we sit down together. From the streets we here people singing Christmas Carols.

"It is indeed" i smile as i look out at the Eiffel Tower.

"Remember our first date there?" I awe looking out.

He nods.

"How could i forget? I was so nervous" he smiles.

I shake my head.

"You didn't show one bit of nerves my love" i say softly.

He smiles again at me, with a wide grin.

"I don't how i got so lucky with you Ms O'Connor"

"Me too Nialler. To think i was just a regular fan you thought was hot" i laugh and he shakes his head.

"Noelle when i seen you my whole future flashed before my eyes" He smiles and then looks down as i blush.

The waiter came over which gave us our opportunity to enjoy our night together.

After dinner we went and got icecream in some random gelato place on the street. I got strawberry cheesecake flavour and Niall got blue raspberry.

I stuck my spoon into his and took out a piece of the blue raspberry gelato.

"Cheeky aye?" He laughs as he takes some from mine leading us to the sit on the edge of a sidewalk sharing the gelato and talking about ourselves when we were younger


After our ice-cream break Niall and i decided to take to bed. Tomorrow was New Years Eve and we wanted to bring in the New Year the right way. Partying. Hard. As fuck.

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