Doc cleaned the first wound and covered it over with fresh bandages and quickly did the same with the other leg.
"How bad are they Doc?" I asked looking at her thighs.
"I'll take her back to the infirmary and patch her legs up properly before we take her to hospital." I looked at him with a questioning look, "It's unavoidable, her arm is broken and we don't have the facilities to x-ray and set. I'll try and put a splint on it though to secure it in position to prevent further damage."
He busied himself working away to make sure she was fit to travel before securing the seatbelt around her and moving over to the driver's seat.
I leant over looking into her eyes. "Ink, if you can hear me babe, just know that I'm so sorry." She continued to stare with no recognition which must have been the shock but as I looked closer, I could see a single tear trickle down her cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb as I held her face, looking into her red rimmed eyes.
"We really need to go Diesel." Doc said anxiously starting the engine.
"I'll follow you on my motorcycle." I kissed Ink on the forehead then climbed out of the van, closing the door gently behind me. I watched as the van drove out of sight, trying to compose myself before my journey back to the clubhouse but I was getting worried, worried that she wouldn't want me after letting her down so badly.
Spike pulled me from my thoughts as he slapped me on the back.
"Do you want to do the honours with Patch or can I?" I glanced at Spike to see his tight smile.
"He's all yours mate, I've gotta take care of Ink."

I arrived at the clubhouse the same time as Doc. I'd called ahead and had spoken to Maggie to make sure that the infirmary was ready for Ink. Parking my Harley in its usual place I removed my helmet resting it on the handlebars before making my way quickly around to the passenger door of Doc's van, opening it softly as to not wake her. The pain killers had probably kicked in now allowing her a few minutes of rest, I placed my arm under her legs and pulled her against my chest to carry her gently to the infirmary and placed her onto the bed.
"I don't want to have a row with you Diesel but I need to work on her and I want to do it in privacy so I can concentrate." Doc stood with his hands on his hips giving me an authoritative look.
He was in his late fifties with greying short hair and thick spectacles, he was a good looking man for his age but looked like an accountant and certainly stood out like a sore thumb among us bikers. He was a good man and had served the Aces for almost thirty years, long before my time at the club and I was thankful he was here. He stood by us through thick and thin and I respected the hell out of him for doing so and although I didn't like what he was asking I wanted Ink to be well.
"Please look after her Doc, I'll just be outside if you need me." He nodded as I left the room, closing the door quietly behind me. Letting out a loud sigh I rested my back against the wall and slid down until I was sitting on the floor. I wasn't going anywhere, I'd wait for as long as it took to make sure she was safe.

"Do you want one?" Spike slid down the wall beside me sitting on the floor in the corridor, holding a bottle of Jack and two glasses. I nodded and accepted the amber liquid, knocking it back in one shot as we sat in silence, thinking in our own heads about today's events when the door to the infirmary opened. We both jumped up waiting for news on Ink and noticed that Doc was flushed as he quickly unfastened a clear plastic apron he was wearing with Ink's blood clearly visible on the front.
He could see the anguish on our faces. "She's doing well, I've cleaned and sealed the wounds and no major arteries were severed. She just needs time to recover." Doc rolled the apron into a ball.
"Has she been raped?" I asked bluntly needing to know the full severity of her injuries.
"No!" Doc rested his hand on my upper arm as I stood running my hand through my hair, I could feel a little tension leave my body knowing that she was going to be okay, well eventually.
"What about her arm? Are we taking her to hospital?" Spike asked agitated.
"Well, I wanted to ask you something first." Doc looked at the floor sheepishly not making eye contact. "You know that my son James has his own health clinic." Spike and I nodded.
Doc was pleased of his sons achievements and rightly so. He spoke about him regularly, not that I gave a shit at this moment in time. It made me think of Shaun and that I would never see him grow, go to school, get a job or get married. My heart ached thinking about him but I pushed my wondering thoughts aside.
"What's that got to do with this situation Doc?" I asked leaning against the door frame.
"Well, he has his own x-ray machine, I spoke to him and he's prepared to bring it here. That way we can treat her arm without going to the hospital." Doc looked at me waiting for a response. "I know you'll have to check with Duke before making an important decision like this but..."
I cut him off abruptly, "Call your son, tell him to make his way here now. If he needs transport let Spike know and I'll tell Duke what we're doing." I stomped off down the corridor in the direction of Duke's room.

Diesel (Aces MC #1)Where stories live. Discover now