"Hound you're with me on the left, Woods and Rex you take the door on the right and Justice you need to cover our arses. Is everyone in agreement?" They nodded their heads, giving me the answer I was looking for and we ran swiftly over to the warehouse, observing our surroundings as we ran to make sure we weren't spotted.
I slid down the building with my back against the wall to a crouching position trying to control my breathing as the adrenaline was pumping through my veins.
I slowly stood and peaked into the window, visibility was difficult because of the filthy glass and the pile of boxes obstructing my view but I could see movement inside. I made out the outline of three people and noticed that one was holding what looked to be a gun, holding up three fingers to the guys and placed one finger on my arm to inform them of what I saw so we were all prepared.

Woods crept quietly over to the Transporter, he opened the driver's side door and I noticed that the keys were left in the ignition. Woods took out the keys and stuffed them into his pocket, the van was disgusting with takeaway wrappers in the footwells and on the passenger seat, and he moved the contents around just in case something had been hidden underneath. Woods leant over into the back and brought a brown box in to the front cab resting it on the dash. He eagerly cut it open with his knife, "Jackpot!" He said quietly and I could see him mentally calculating.
Closing the van door quietly, Woods returned to the group, "Ecstasy about 1,000 tabs in each box." He said quietly with a huge smile on his face.
This would be profitable for the club but I couldn't give a shit about the drugs at this moment in time, I just wanted to find Ink and was starting to get impatient.

Both groups made their way to the respective doors. I tried the handle to find that the door was unlocked, I was relieved that luck was finally on our side. Woods tried the handle to the other door that was also unlocked, I held up my fingers 3, 2, 1...


We pulled up at the back of the pub, leaving our motorcycles in the darkest corner of the car park. There was a trail that led through the fields, I knew the farmer that owned the land and had contacted Greenall earlier at the clubhouse, asking the quickest way to the out buildings that the Skulls rented. It would take us about fifteen minutes on foot to get to the warehouse but as we couldn't travel down the most direct route, this was the quickest way. We couldn't just turn up on the motorcycles all guns blazing, as we didn't know what we were up against.
Moving briskly through the woods CJ used the light from his torch to help guide our way through the dense forest, he kept it low to prevent drawing attention to ourselves.
It was the longest fifteen minutes of my life but we finally made it to what looked like a deserted building.
"Shit, are you sure you have the right place Duke?" I whispered nodding towards the desolate structure in front of us. Duke glanced around the site evaluating the situation, the building was around 15,000 sq.ft. and from this position, I could only see one set of double doors leading into the building.

"Turn your mics on now." Duke said agitated. "Spike and CJ you make your way around the perimeter to the left, and Locke and I will do the same on the right. Skinner, once we enter the building, I want you here taking out anything that doesn't wear an Aces patch coming out of that door."

CJ and I quickly made our way around the outline of the trees, glancing to my right I could just make out Duke and Locke moving slowly in the distance.
Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the side door slowly open, "Get down!" I whispered into the mic.
We crouched out of sight in the long damp under growth as a man in his late forties with greying brown hair tied back in a ponytail sparked up a fag and leaned against the building whilst texting on his phone. I could feel my heart race as the adrenaline pumped but I was becoming impatient, waiting for the man to go back inside. As he stood under the moonlight, I recognised the man as a member of the Skulls.
"I think that's Skinny Pete." I said quietly into the mic as we continued to lay still. We waited patiently and after a couple of minutes Pete finished his fag, flicking the butt onto the ground before he placed his phone back into his pocket and entered the building shutting the door firmly behind him. I faintly heard a bolt fastened.

Diesel (Aces MC #1)Where stories live. Discover now