Can't wait to C U. Ink x

I put the phone back into my pocket and contemplated his texts.
"What you smiling at?"
Damn it, Amy had caught me smiling to myself.
"Was that lover boy?" She asked moving so that she was sitting next to me on the sofa.
"Yeah, he said he'll be home around four this afternoon." I left the statement hanging in the air to see if she picked up upon the fact that he'd called it home.
"Home!" She asked raising her eyebrows and giving me a light hug. "That man has got it bad, baby girl."

Diesel was true to his word and arrived at 4.00pm. He brought pizzas so that we didn't have to cook which was a nice treat and something that I was grateful for, as I didn't think I was up for cooking.
"I'm stuffed!" Amy said rubbing her tummy. "Come on Jimmy, you can take me home as my car still isn't ready."
Jimmy jumped from his seat at the kitchen table, patting his cut and jeans as he looked for his keys. Diesel smiled shaking his head at Jimmy's reaction.
I stood giving both Amy and Jimmy a hug, "Thank you for looking after me today."
Amy smiled sweetly, "That's what families are for."
Her comment surprised me and Diesel saw the questioning look on my face as he slipped his arm around my waist to pull me close. They left closing the door behind them, giggling like young teenagers and I was surprised how well they got on and how easy going Jimmy actually was.
Diesel kissed me lightly on the temple, "You go and relax on the sofa Ink, I can clean up here." He let go of my waist leaving my side and collected the plates to move them into the sink. I couldn't help but think how domesticated this all was, as if we were a proper couple. We hadn't openly discussed our relationship but he was now sleeping at my apartment. Did this mean that we were now dating or did he feel obliged to look out for me? My head was a mess, I knew I wanted to spend time with him but I didn't want to initiate a conversation about us.

I slowly made my way into the living room and settled on the sofa, pulling a light weight blanket over me as it had turned a little chilly. I could hear Diesel finishing up in the kitchen but my eyes betrayed me as they became heavy and I could feel myself slowly falling asleep.

"Ink, I need to move you to the bedroom babe." I opened my eyes slowly to find Diesel trying to lift me gently from the sofa. I leant into him, snuggling against his hard chest as he carried me into my bedroom and placed me on the bed as if I was his most prized possession, pulling the cover up over my body to keep me warm.
"Are you coming to bed?" I asked sleepily.
He looked torn as to what to do, which I found strange. He came back over to the bed and lay on the covers, gently putting one arm around me to hold me close.
"You need to get your rest babe." He said quietly, stroking my hair so that it was out of my face. I was enjoying the close contact but I was exhausted and drifted slowly to sleep.

I woke the following morning to the same routine and this continued throughout the week. Amy and Jimmy came to babysit whilst Diesel was at work until he came home around dinner time with various takeaways.
Every evening he would put me to bed and lay with me for a while but he wouldn't initiate anything. What was wrong with him? Didn't he want me?

It was now Thursday evening, twelve days after my attack and I was feeling better although still sore, and knew that I needed more time to recover.
We'd had a lovely evening and sat outside in the garden to have our dinner and Diesel was slowly starting opening up to me. It was feeling like a real relationship apart from the fact that Diesel would put me to bed each evening and left me alone, preferring to sleep on the sofa rather than lay with me. I shouldn't moan, he'd been perfectly attentive, looking after my needs well not all of them.
I was craving for his touch but he wasn't interested or prepared to discuss further, which was annoying. I picked up my phone and contacted the only person I thought could help me.

Got an issue. R U OK to chat? Ink x

I didn't have to wait long for a response.

Are you okay? Do you need me to come over?

Not that kind of issue, it's more personal. Has Diesel spoken 2 U about me? Ink x

Regarding what?

Sex! Ink x

His response didn't come as quickly as the other messages and I knew that they had obviously spoken about the situation.

Try talking to Diesel about this.

Have tried, he's not interested. Has he mentioned why? Ink x

You're putting me in a situation!

I know. That's why U love me! Is it coz I'm a virgin? Ink x

I waited for his response already knowing the answer.


Thank U Spike. I O U 1 x

What for?

I now know what I need 2 do!

And that is?

;-) x

I quickly typed a message to Jimmy, as I needed his help in order for my plan to work.

Gonna need your help tomorrow. Ink x

With what?

I need a lift 2 the garage at lunch time. Ink x

OK. Should I ask why?

No! LOL C U tomorrow


And with that, I placed my phone into my bag and settled back into bed. Tomorrow was another day and I was going to rectify my situation. :

Diesel (Aces MC #1)Where stories live. Discover now