"What are we dealing with Spike?" Duke asked sitting on the brown leather chair in the corner of the room.
"Not sure man, she told me that she was ill and that's why she couldn't come to work today. I came here to give her some medicines to try and make her better."
Duke looked at me inquisitively. "Obviously I want her back at work as soon as possible." Duke raised his eyebrows so I continued quickly, "When she wouldn't let me in, I kinda barged through the door and found her in that state."
I let out a loud sigh, "I asked her if it was Diesel that attacked her." I saw the shock on his face.
"Do you really think that Diesel would smack the shit out of her? He's fallen for her hard." Duke was raising his voice and I simply took it, I knew I was acting like a cock.
"What's really going on Spike? Is this about Helen? You know you can't save everyone."
I wanted to smack the shit out of him for mentioning Helen, this situation had nothing to do with her. I leapt from the sofa and stalked into the kitchen to find alcohol, I needed something to take the edge of the situation. I flung open several cupboard doors pushing the contents from one side and found a metal container that caught my attention. I shouldn't have but I opened it as the tin had piqued my interest, to find that it contained a handgun. Why the fuck did she have a gun? Who was she afraid of?
Putting the lid on securely I continued to search for something alcoholic and in the back of the cupboard by the fridge, I found a bottle of unopened Jack. I suppose her time spent with the Skulls had some influence on her taste in Whiskey. I knew Harlow wouldn't mind so I pulled out two glasses and filled them, knocking back a shot before I filled it again, and took the two glasses into the living room.
Duke took the glass and we sat in silence waiting for the verdict on her injuries.
"Should we call Diesel?" I glanced at Duke waiting for his response.
He swirled the brown liquid around in his glass before downing it in one. "He'll be back in two hours, there's no point calling him if he's on the road, he'll only speed and end up killing himself."
We sat in silence as the tension built, just waiting to hear some news.

Doc finally entered the room and sat on the sofa next to me with a loud sigh.
"What we looking at Doc?" I asked wanting to go into her bedroom and take good care of her, the need to protect kicking in.
"She's been viciously assaulted by more than one man."
I could feel myself filling with rage, I sat forward resting my chin on my hands wanting to kill the bastards for hurting her.
"She hasn't been sexually assaulted but she has heavy bruising and I think a couple of her ribs are broken from being kicked multiple times, she's also lucky that she hasn't suffered concussion from the bruising around her head."
Duke and I sat in silence lost in our own thoughts. I glanced at Duke and could see that he was pondering the information we'd just been given.
"Can you give her any medication for the pain?" Duke spoke quietly trying to prevent Harlow from hearing what we were discussing.
"I've given her some pain relief and a sleeping tablet to knock her out. It will take her anything from three to six weeks to recover properly so she won't be able to work." Doc stood and collected his bag, "I'll leave you with the medication but make sure she takes them regularly." Doc looked at Duke, "I'll be off then if that's okay?"
Duke stood with his hand held out, "Thanks for your help Doc." They shook hands before he left the apartment, closing the door quietly behind him.

"What happens now?" I asked looking over at Duke.
"We wait. Wait until she can tell us exactly what happened."
I couldn't just sit there waiting, I needed to do something with the excess energy I had. If I had the names of her attackers I'd be paying them a visit. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed the bottle of Jack and noticed her phone on the side. Picking it up, I took it into the living room along with the bottle and poured two drinks before looking through her phone to see if I could find any clues. I noticed that she had a few unread texts from myself, Amy and Diesel and that another number had text her recently but wasn't saved under a name. I read the messages which didn't reveal much, nothing serious just a few messages about her being missed.
"What is it Spike, you have that look on your face." Duke leaned forward resting his chin on his steepled fingers.
"She has texts sent to her but addressing her as Princess. Diesel named her 'Ink' so it's nothing to do with our MC so I'm a little confused, maybe Diesel will know something when he arrives."
Time seemed to stand still as we sat in silence waiting but we were pulled from our thought by Duke's phone ringing.
"Diesel...that's great, thanks for your help with that, look where are you?...Okay, make your way to Harlow's...Just make your way here and I'll explain when you arrive." Duke turned his phone off and returned it to his pocket. "Diesel's on his way, we're gonna need another drink."

Diesel (Aces MC #1)Where stories live. Discover now