"You wanna talk?" I turned slowly to find Spike glaring at me with his arms folded across his huge muscular chest. His expression was expectant as he stood waiting for me to respond.
"I'm just tired. I had a shit night's sleep, no dramas." I put a smile on my face and brushed past him, when Spike grabbed my arm.
"Not what I heard. You're a fucking good tattooist and I don't want to lose you but you shouldn't have lied about who you were." His monotone voice wasn't giving anything away neither were his eyes.
"Spike please listen before you jump to conclusions. I haven't lied I just omitted to tell you certain things about my life, can we do this later?" I shrugged his hand from my arm and walked into the main room where Amy was sitting waiting for me, if she heard our conversation she didn't let on which I was thankful for.

"You ready for this?" I asked getting out the equipment I needed for her tattoo.
Amy placed her hand on mine gently stroking it, stopping me in my tracks. I didn't have any close female friends, girls at the club were either old ladies or club whores. I was just the daughter of the Sergeant at Arms so I was always somewhere in between. Dad didn't want me hooking up with one of his Brothers so I respected his wishes and stayed away where possible. Not that all of the Brothers listened, Hawke had taken a shine to me and had pursued his interest from the day I turned eighteen. After two years of knock backs, you'd have thought he would've got the hint. He wanted me as his old lady and didn't like rejection, that's one of the reasons I had to leave the club after the death of my dad. I would've still been welcome but Hawke's advances were getting harder to turn down without the protection of my dad and I didn't feel safe.

"Are you okay Harlow?" Amy looked at me with confusion.
"I'm fine, just got a lot going on at the moment." I said letting out a loud sigh.

I finally finished the next stage of Amy's tattoo and it was now taking shape and looking good apart from the usual redness. She would need a few more sessions although she had been worked on previously by Spike but because she hated needles and had a low pain threshold, it was going to take longer than expected. The tattoo covered the area where she had a nasty looking scar which looked like it was from an attack rather than an operation but I didn't want to ask.

"You still okay for Saturday?" Amy asked excitedly.
"I don't know to be honest. Diesel and I had a fight last night."
Amy looked at me frowning, "What about?"
I ran my fingers through my hair anxiously, "The evening started off great, he took me to Spirits Point and then we went to a local cafe." I paused, building up the courage to tell her about my past. I didn't know how she would react knowing that I'd been associated with another club?
"We ran into members of the Skulls and to cut a very long story short, I have a history with them." I glanced over to see Amy staring at me. "I know I should've told everyone before I took the job but... Amy what's the matter?" Amy still had a shocked expression on her face but now her eyes were glistening, as if she was about to cry.

"He took you to Spirits Point!" Amy tried not to blink to prevent the tears from falling but the dam broke and they started to stream down her cheeks. Quickly moving over to her, I wiped the tears that had rolled down her face and placed my hands on hers.
"He doesn't talk about Shaun much these days but it doesn't mean he's not hurting though. I knew he was visiting that place often but whenever I've mentioned it to him, he would just brush it off." Amy gave a small smile, "The fact that he took you there Harlow, means he totally trusts you. I'm assuming he found out about the Skulls after your visit to the Point?" I looked directly at Amy nodding my head. "If he did get annoyed can you see where he's coming from?" Amy was looking at me with the same expression her brother did last night, a little disappointment and hurt clearly visible on her face.

"I totally understand and that's why I've decided to stay away from him, he doesn't need me causing shit between the two clubs. I moved away to start a new life outside of the Skulls and I've landed smack in the middle of the Aces." Now it was my turn to cry, tears slowly made their way down my face as I sat not knowing what to say.
Diesel was like a breath of fresh air in what had become a stale existence since the death of my dad. He'd heightened my senses and I'd develop unfamiliar feelings for Diesel over this short amount of time but all the same, these were feelings that I wanted to explore. It was very early days but he had shared some intimate things with me last night and he obviously felt comfortable with me but I was now hoping that he liked me too. I had a nagging feeling at the pit of my stomach that I'd let him down and because of that he wouldn't want to see me again although I was hopeful.

Diesel (Aces MC #1)Where stories live. Discover now