Chapter Nineteen

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Janvi felt her legs collapse as she reached her apartment. What in hell? She thought. She quickly got up and switched on her tv to watch the news. The news was full of images of Veer and her. How did they know? She thought she had resolved the issue but it had blown up bigger.

She was pulled out of her thoughts as her phone rang. It was Dhruv. She picked it up and pressed the phone to her ear, "Hello? Janvi? Are you okay?"

"I don't know. Dhruv, I don't know."

"I saw the news."

"Okay. I'm fine. Just. The girls. Can you pick them up after school? And let them stay at your place tonight."

"I'll do that. Take care of yourself."

"Fine. Thanks."

After ending the call, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She needed to inform Veer. She called him but his phone was switched off. She called Vikram, his secretary next but he wasn't reachable too.

   She almost threw her phone. She wanted to scream so bad. Her head was pounding badly as she heard her phone ringing. She thought it was Veer and quickly picked it up.

   "Hello Veer -"

   "Wow. That really confirms everything. It's true, isn't it?"  Janvi closed her eyes. He was the last person she wanted to know about this.


"How long have you been in Mumbai?" And when she said nothing, he continued, "Oh wait, that party at Sandhinis' place. You lied to me Janvi. You had already moved,hadn't you?" He hissed.

  "As if that's not enough. You were having an affair with that bastard? I'm so disappointed in you. Do you have any idea how many of my relatives and friends have called me asking about your disgusting actions?! What do I answer them? That my wife has always been a wh*re who is ready to bed any f*cking guy she comes across?!"

    Janvi closed her fingers in a fist. "Tell them the truth, Nikhil. That we are getting out marriage annulled and we were separated long before that." She didn't let her boiling rage spill. She did want Nikhil to find out like this but since it had happened, she wasn't going to take it lying down.

    "Is that all I am to you? Something you can use and throw as per your convenience?! Is that all I've been to you for the past decade?"

  Janvi felt guilt wash over her as she heard the defeat in his voice. "What are you talking about, Nikhil? You always knew where we stood even before our marriage. And when I had feelings for you, you were the only one. Then you decided to behave so badly with my sister and then tried to force yourself on me. You called me and you still call me a wh*re and a slut. Is that what love is?"

    He didn't reply, "Don't fool yourself and me into thinking this is love. All you want is to possess me. As if I'm an object."

    The line was silent for the longest time, then she heard him chuckle, "And you believe he doesn't see you as an object?" His laughter filled her ear as her heart pounded. "He literally left you after fathering two children. I was the one who stayed. Your children think I'm their father. Have I ever lacked as a father to them? But that doesn't matter to you, does it now? All you think about is whom and when you're gonna f*ck next."

  Janvi scoffed tears filling her eyes, he was so wrong. "Shut up Nikhil. It is honestly none of your business whom I f*ck. Just admit you're bothered it was never you. If I'm such a wh*re, have you ever thought about why I haven't slept with you?" She ended the call after that.

    She squatted down and closed her eyes. Nikhil's words had hurt her. She had struggled so much. He wasn't there when she gave birth or when she struggled with her newborn babies. It was always about him trying to show her off as his wife. As if she was a trophy he had won.

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