Chapter Five

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"You're not that bad looking." The woman said. She was the preetiest woman Janvi had seen. With skin so clear and glowing, her eyes doe like, her lips full and her body curvaceous.

"You're not that bad looking either." Janvi said awkwardly. That was putting it mildly, Janvi thought.

The woman laughed. "Honey, I know that." She moved across from her and sat on a couch. She motioned the love seat in front of her. Janvi sat awkwardly.

"Veer is a liar. He told me you weren't pretty." Janvi clenched her fist. That asshole.

"Don't be upset. He wasn't lying to me. He was lying to himself."

Janvi sighed, "Why does he come here?"

"For nothing. He comes here. Sometimes, we have a drink. Sometimes, he sleeps. Sometimes, he works here. We talk most of the time."

Janvi looked at her in disbelief. "In any case, you folks don't...uh?"

"Have sex? No. We haven't. I do wonder how it would be. How is he? Is he a nice lover?"

Janvi felt her face flame as memories of his touch sparked in her mind. "Uh... I don't think -"

"Just say none of your business."


"Why are you here?" She aaked.

"I just wanted to know why he comes here."

"I don't know why he does. I am expensive. He spends all that money for nothing. To just sit here for a couple of hours and then he leaves."

It is strange. Janvi's mind raced. He was planning something and she didn't know what. "What is your name?"

"Rachel." She said.

"Okay Rachel, it was nice meeting you."

"I'll see you later."

"Oh I'm never -"

"I'll see you soon." Laila cut her off and she left the room and stood inside the elevator.

As she drove back to the house, her mind was swarming with question. Why visit a whore when you won't have sex with her? That didn't make any sense.

She reached her home and the girls were already in bed and asleep. She checked if Asha had taken her meds and poured herself a glass of bourbon. The liquid burned her throat as she kept thinking. She wanted to call Sakshi but decided against it.

Shrugging it off, she went to bed. Her dreams were full of him. His laughs, his touches, him.


Janvi woke up the next morning with her phone ringing. It was Meera who was panicking on the other line. She groggily put on the TV. And she saw it. A sting operation and a sex scandal.

That sneaky bastard. She cursed and her mind woke up. She prepared coffee and the baby sitter came in as she got ready. She put her coffee in her flask and walked out of the house. On her way, she called Sakshi Rane before she bit her head off.

"Yes, Janvi?" Sakshi Rane's voice was cool.

"Sakshi, I am so sorry. I know you have seen the news. It's all my fault. I'll fix it."

"It's not your fault. You job was to report to me. This is the PR team's mess and I'll call you back. I need to fire this useless PR manager."

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