Chapter Fifteen

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hi guys,

I wanted to say thank you so much for 1k votes on my book, and all the support I have been receiving. It means a lot.

I was nervous. I had been to Judah's special club, during the day. It was peaceful and quiet, I didn't expect much then. At night it was a completely different story. I watched as lots of girls and guys walked inside dressed in weird costumes, down to their undies.

I looked down at my shoes, trying not to stare much as Knox parked his car behind the building.

"Are you feeling alright?" Daddy asked me. Suddenly my door was swung open and he grabbed my hand.

"This is just new for me, that's all," I explained, blushing deeply when he pressed his lips to my cheek.

"This shouldn't take long. You will stay with me the entire time."

I nodded to him. I wouldn't want to be separated from him anyway. After trying to have dinner with my family, he is all I have left.

"My good girl," Knox praised me. He put his hand on my back and we both walked towards the back door.

Judah opened the door immediately and ushered Knox towards a big spacious room. I followed behind him gripping onto his fingers tightly, trying not to get lost in the large crowd of people.

We entered another area of the club. There was a small table surrounded by a large red couch and older men. There were some girls sitting on their laps, giving them kisses and dancing on their legs. Then there was a boy sitting on the floor next to a bigger man who had a nasty glare on his face.

Knox sat down on another seat. He pulled me by my waist on his lap and covered my legs with his arms. I tried to ignore the conversation and stared at the carpet like it was interesting.

My eyes watched the boy sitting on the floor. He was pulled by his arm to stand up next to the gross man. He got on his tippy toes and kissed the man's nose, running his tongue down his cheek.

The boy's face turned pink and he scratched his neck which had bruises. He was wearing a dog collar that sparkled, and skin-tight pants.

They seemed like they were also involved in the club, as well as wanting to become potential investors for Judah.

"How are you feeling?" Knox pecked my earlobe and brushed his fingers through my hair. I looked and shrugged at him feeling vulnerable.

"I think we are done here," Knox stood up and wrapped his hand around my tiny fingers. He pulled me away from the group before anything else could be said to drag him back in.

I looked around the club when Daddy pulled me through the packed place. We entered a room that was quiet and big.

"I like it better in here, Judah's friends made me nervous," I hugged his waist and buried my head into his chest. He placed soft kisses on my head.

"What is this room for?" I asked him, pulling away from his warm body and looking around. "It is very quiet in here."

"It is for more privacy for members who are shy," Knox picked me up by my hips and sat me down on a bench that was in the middle of the room. "For little girls like you who turn into a tomato when they are kissed."

Knox started running his tongue on my lips. He sucked my mouth until it was swollen and pink. He kissed me desperately like he had been waiting for his moment the entire night.

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Lock this door when I leave and don't open it until I am back," Knox told me and I agreed.

I hopped up quickly behind him and locked the door as soon as he left. I waited patiently like his good girl for him to return.

He kept his promise. Five minutes after leaving, he knocked on the door and spoke to me, reassuring me it was him. I unlocked it and he walked in with a shopping bag and shut the door behind him.

He seemed excited and his eyes were big and wide. He tried to hide a smile on his mouth by chewing on his bottom lip, but I could tell he was happy and anxious.

I sat next to him on the bench, and he handed me lots of little packages. Everything was new and unopened, he had just purchased all of this.

His face was intently watching me as I opened the first gift. I swung my feet off the bench and stood between his legs, handing it to Knox. I couldn't get the plastic glue off it to open it.

Knox peeled the cover off easily enough and put handcuffs in my hands. My eyes went wide and I looked at him apprehensively.

"I thought while you are with me, I can show you some of the things we can start with. When we get home, I will teach you how to use them," Knox rubbed my arm comforting me. I handed him the cuffs and he gave me another item. It was bigger than the last one.

"You do remember your safe word? If you're ever uncomfortable, what is it?" he asked me, urging me to feel secure with him. I liked that he asked how I was feeling. He did really care for me.

I nodded and opened the toy while speaking, "yes I remember, Barry B. Benson."

Knox stifled a laugh and rubbed his hand on my legs.

"This is, uh... I don't know about this. It is big and looks like it will hurt me," I mumbled quietly, holding the toy in my hand. It looked painful, and I wondered why Jade would always fuss over these things to me. It didn't seem very appealing.

"It isn't that big, baby. It will just help you get used to these things slowly," Knox told me and put the two items back in the bag.

I sucked in my cheek and tried not to look embarrassed. If this thing was small, how big was big for him? My stomach did twisting and turning. Knox locked our fingers and we left the club. I held the bag of his shopping in one hand, holding his fingers in my other.

I was scared for what he was going to show me once we got home, but I trusted him not to hurt me.

The drive to his apartment was quiet. The entire ride he couldn't stop smiling at me, and that made me happy.

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