Chapter Four

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I was sitting on the floor and playing with Scraps. She was eagerly trying to catch the little red laser beam I was flashing around the floor. The house smelled like a bakery. It was delicious. I really hope Mr. Reed will like the blueberry muffins I made. Maybe if they are ready when his mom gets here, she can eat one too. Just maybe.

"My mom can be a bit bossy. So when she arrives, just copy me, and nod and smile, okay?" Mr. Reed walks out of his bedroom. He has changed into a more casual collared shirt and plain white sneakers.

"I can stay in the bedroom if you'd like. I don't want to interrupt your time with her," I tell him.

"No. I'm sure she will love having a girl to talk to. She only has sons," Mr. Reed said. He mentioned that his mom prefers girl chit chat over the serious banter she gets from his siblings.

I nodded and returned my attention back to my baby. She was prancing around and rubbing her back against the furniture. She really liked Mr. Reed. She swept her paw against a toy, rolling it against the floor and chasing it into another room.

It was quiet for around ten minutes, before knocking on the door and impatient name-calling for Mr. Reed was heard.

"Grumpypants, open the door! I know you are home, I saw your car parked in the lot!" his mom yelled from behind the door as she tapped her fingers against it. She seemed silly in the way she spoke to him.

Mr. Reed emitted a quiet groan as he walked past me. He opened the door and greeted his mom with a big hug. I stood up and heard them talking as they entered the living space.

"Ah, and who is this? You are such a pretty girl. She looks so sweet, Knox. Where did you find her? We need to get another one for your big brother," his mom walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me. She smiled really big and was very welcoming.

"Amara, this is my mom, Florence. Mom... Amara," he introduced us and Florence waved her hand to shut him up. I giggled a little bit and his jaw ticked. I'd say that she was the only one who really bossed him around, and he let it happen.

"Non-sense, call me mom. If you are dating my son you are apart of my family," she said to me and I felt my face go bright red. I looked at Mr. Reed and he just shrugged, sitting down on the sofa.

"Sit," he said. His mom rolled her eyes, but he was looking at me when he said it. I sat down beside him. He seemed happy that I did what he said.

"Use your manners," Florence scoffed, she squinted her eyes at him but he ignored it.

"Anyways, I am here to talk to you about something important, Knox," she said and I rolled my bottom lip between my teeth. I stood up and dusted my dress.

"I will leave you guys alone to talk, it was nice meeting you," I said nervously.

"No, no. Sweetie, you stay," Florence encouraged. I felt a bit awkward but sat back down.

"It's about Erik's son, Judah" she started. She filled me in that Erik was her ex-husband, making Judah, Mr. Reed's ex-stepbrother. She was still in contact with Erik's kids. She loved them just as much as her own kids.

"He didn't want to approach you about it, but you know me, I love getting involved in other people's business. Anyway, he is wanting to renovate the basement level of his club. He's been receiving complaints of clients being interrupted during their private time and needs more financial support for what he wants to do. You know how shy men can be with their sensitive ego in asking for help."

"I will need to see the plan he has before anything happens," Mr. Reed said.

His mom nodded and looked at me smiling. "I'm very happy for you both. Sorry for popping in for such a short time. But I have a nail appointment down the road that I just can't miss. Thought I would just stop by here on my way there."

Florence hugged me tightly and kissed my cheek before leaving. I wished she was my mom.

Mr. Reed walked her to her car.

I made myself busy and pulled the muffins out of the oven when the timer went off. They needed to cool down a lot before eating, so we don't burn our mouths. I heard the front door open, and Mr. Reed walked into the kitchen.

"You did a good job, they look perfect," he said seeing the food, "just please next time let me know when you are cooking. I don't need my home burning down or you hurting yourself."

I nodded at him, feeling embarrassed.

"Your mom is really nice," I told him. "I wish she was my mom."

I noticed the small crease between his eyebrows when I spoke. He seemed agitated. He shook it off and grabbed his car keys and wallet.

"I called Judah on the way back up. His club doesn't open until eight tonight so I am going to talk with him now. Did you want to come?"

"Yes please," I grinned. I haven't really been outside in a while. Jane still hadn't contacted me since the incident in the store, and I didn't really have any other friends to hang out with.

Mr. Reed was fast at walking. He had longer legs than me, and I was quite tall for a girl. I was five foot seven, so he had to be way over six feet. When he started his car, it was quiet except for the faint background of the radio playing.

"I wanted to explain something before we get there so you don't get surprised," he told me. It made me nervous. I had never been to a club before, so I didn't know what to expect. Even if it wasn't loud and trashy like it would be at night.

"Judah owns a typical nightclub. It is popular for dancing and drinking, like most. But he expanded it downstairs for something that he finds more interest in," I noticed Mr. Reed's eyes flicker towards me more and more as he spoke. He was waiting for a reaction.

"Do you know what BDSM is?"

"Is that like a boy-band?" I asked. It sounded like an electric rock band but I wasn't quite sure. He pressed his lips together and coughed a little. I think he found my perfectly valid response funny.

"What is it?" I asked, annoyed. His hands tightened around the steering wheel and his face grew serious. It made me more curious than anything.

"I'm just going to be blunt because it is hard explaining it any other way," he raised his eyebrow and looked at me again. "It's a sex club, that lets people explore and express themselves however they want to, in a safe environment."

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