Chapter Twenty Four - Souled

Start from the beginning

I lift my other hand to touch the substance, but when I touch it, it burns the tip on my finger and I jerk my hand away. I seethe through my teeth in pain and swiftly shove my hand in the cold snow. I hear the sizzling burning go out. I wipe my hand and stick my fingertip in my mouth and suck on it to relieve the burning.

I take it out and examine my finger, I don't have a fingerprint anymore. My body shudders in worry and then determine what the substance is.

"Everacid blood. Those damn Evergreen Souls. But they've been gone for years, how did they get out of the realm?!" I turn in all directions looking for one, my eyes kind on the disgusting creature dead on the ground several meters away from me. The green blood splattered everywhere around it.

My thoughts become distraught when I suddenly remember what happened. "I- I lost control of m-my... my- self?? I don't know— WAIT!! RANBOO!"

I whip my head around to where he is and see him balled up on the ground, shivering to no end. His frosty white skin is blue and his black skin purple, his fingers almost an obsidian violet from the cold. He seems unconscious.

I rush over to him and immediately fall on my knees to embrace him. He's frigid and unresponsive, but obviously reactive to the world around him. "Ranboo! Ranboo wake up love, please!!" I shake him but I get no response.

I need to take action. As weak as I am, I muster all the strength I posses and pick him up bridal style. My attempt failed, with me only then remembering his height, his weight is effected by it. I look around to see where Techno's house is. If he is out here any longer touching the snow, he probably would catch hypothermia. He might even have a mild case of it now.

I decide to try a different approach. After about 30 more second of thinking about what to do, I come to the solution to drag him on my cloak. I unwrap myself, revealing the open skin on my arms to the piercing cold air. I lay the cloak on the ground and spread it out enough so he would fit on it. I take him by his arm pits and drag his freezing body to lay on the cloak.

As soon as I deem him secure, I cover him in the thick fabric in an attempt to warm him up the slightest bit. I scurry over to the top and grab the sleeves and the hood altogether and begin heaving the load in the general direction of Technoblades house.

I'm usually an incredibly strong person, but I haven't felt so weak since I almost drowned. I drag Ranboo with all my might, as fast as I can, with what little and cold breath I have in my lungs. When I get close enough to the outskirts of the land, I call out to Philza, who I know is home.

"PHILZA!!! PHIL!! HELP!!!" I cry in desperation. Tears well up but I quickly blink them back. There's no time to cry, no time to feel. I only have one goal. I need to focus on that.

Objective: Save Ranboo's life now, cry later. That's all. I see the lights turn on in the house. "PHIL!!" I yell, dragging out the 'L'. My arms and legs ache more and more with every heave and ho. My lungs tighten and my vision begins to fog. Exhaustion overwhelms me, but I keep going.

My ankle rolls over and I yelp as I fall to the side. I see a cloaked figure ran down the stairs and look around frantically. I squint and recognize it. "Phil help!! I can't pull any longer!!" The figure runs over and slides on him knees to where we are.

"Holy s***... [Y/n], what the hell happened?!?!" He doesn't give me much time to explain before he screams something right after his first question.

"TECHNOBLADE!!! GET OUT HERE NOW!" I then hear clashing around in the house and then I see a bulky figure rush over to us as well. Techno halts at me. "Phil what happened?!"

"[Y/n] will explain it later. Right now. Get Ranboo inside pronto, I'll take [Y/n]!" Phil instructs. Techno does as Philza commands and Phil picks me up bridal style. I look behind Phil as he runs back inside, reaching out for my cloak that's laying in the snow helplessly. I give up after realizing my lack of energy.

We head inside, Phil gently sets me down on the floor against the wall and he slams the doors shut. A snow storm begins to form outside and blows hard against the sturdy house. "Blizzard..." I mumble. Philza picks me up again and helps me down the ladder. We appear in mine and Tommy's temporary bedroom and Phil sets me down on the bedspread.

"Wait where's Ranboo?!" I attempt to yell, but my throat is hoarse and I can't seem to get anything out clearly. "Don't worry about him right now, sweetheart, you just get some rest as soon as possible."

"Please Phil I need to see him! I need to tell you what happened! I try to sit up but my stomach tightens. I groan in soreness. "No. Rest. But don't sleep. You look like you've gotten several blows to the head. Whatever attacked you really tried going for the head."

I flip back down onto my pillow in disappointment. "Fineee... but I HAVE to see him tomorrow, okay? You can't keep him from me. Or me from him." I look into his eyes. He nods. I exhale in relief.

"I'll get you some water and hot tea. You're dehydrated and need to warm up. I installed a fireplace so I'll get a flint and steel to light it once I get back down." He informs me before going back up the ladder.

I lay my head back down.

'I pray to Notch that he'll be ok...' my mind swims through different thoughts about Ranboo, some good, some bad. I try and push away the negative ones and focus on the positive, but it's hard to navigate through them without one popping up after another.

I finally let a single tear out of my left eye. Sadness. And anger. I want those disgusting, vile little creatures to suffer all the pain they caused my Ranboo... and my mother.

But my biggest concern and question is...

"How the hell did they get out of that dimension? Someone had to have let them out... But who? And why?" I sit and ponder for a little while longer, awaiting Philza's return.

To Be Continued...


Check out Aizzizle-kun's amazing book and read her perspective and theories on why Ranboo's character is the way he is. Only one chapter has been posted so far but it's really good so far and it all just makes sense.

Also, they're really good at writing. Like, I see a lot of potential in their writing.

Anyway, give'er some love, support, and truly read the book it's actually so good so far. I'm also very humbled at the fact that I've been credited for inspiration of her book as well. I'm very grateful for their support and love for this book.



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