Chapter Nine - Mesmerized

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[Y/n] - Your name
[N/n] - Nickname
[F/c] - favorite color
[E/c]- eye color (if you have two different colored eyes, go for it!)
[H/c] - hair color (if you have a certain type of hair in mind, use it!)
[H/l] - hair length
[Y/h] - your height (use whatever height you want!)
[F/f] - favorite flower
More will be added later!

[Y/n] pov

Seeing the note Philza gave me made me feel warm. When I read the part about Ranboo, my face heats up and I think, 'I know he is.'

I look up at Fundy from the note and smile brightly at him. "Thanks, Fun. I really appreciate this."

"No problem at all, [N/n]!" He returns the smile even brighter than mine.

"[Y/n] dinner is ready! Baked potatoes." Ranboo call to me from the mini kitchen setup.

"Would you like to stay for dinner, Fundy?" I ask. I look to Ranboo and he nods as if he approves.

"Nah, I've got to meet with Quackity and Tubbo for.. something." He says quietly, rubbing the back of his neck. I look at him a bit skeptical. Why was he suddenly being... weird?

"Fundy is there anything you need to tell me? Don't lie to me." I interrogate, crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow. He looks very slightly nervous at my question. "No no, it's nothing you need to worry about. I'll reveal it to you in time."

"Oooookay..? Well, just don't do anything that will put L'Manburg in shambles." I smile sarcastically. He laughs nervously. "I'm just messin' with you, man. Go do your thing." He breathes as if he's relieved. I then turn my cheek towards him and point to it. He kisses my cheek and I ruffle his hair between his ears.

Our thing is that he kisses my cheek and I ruffle his hair when we say goodbye to each other.

I then think back at what Tubbo and I did. We always gave each a hug, longer than a simple goodbye hug should be. I think we both understood why: it's because we didn't know when we were going to see each other last. We always said 'I love you' to each other more often then normal siblings would. We didn't want to end up like our parents without hugging or saying I love you.

Then I remember, 'he just watched me... die. He watched his sister get almost killed right in front of him and he didn't do anything about it. I don't understand... what was holding him back???'

"[Y/n]? [Y/n]... [Y/N]!" Ranboo snaps me out of my thoughts, he's waving his massive hands in front of my face. I shake awake and look up a him. 'Why is he so TALL?!?!'

"[Y/n] you're crying. Is everything ok?"

I reach up to touch my face. Sure enough, there is a tear streak on my cheek right where Fundy kissed it. I look down and slump my shoulders.

"Everything's fine. I'm fine, don't worry about me." I mumble. I open my eyes looking up and he's face to face with me, kneeling down at my level.

"No you're not. You've got a lot going through your mind, and I know you might now trust me completely, but you can't keep your emotions bottled up. You need to talk to someone." I speaks softly to me. I can't help but burst out in tears and just hug him. I can tell he was taken aback from the abrupt movement. I expected him to make me let go, but instead, he wraps his arms around me, holding me tight. He sits completely on the floor and pulls me up onto his lap.

There we are, hugging. Me crying in his overcoat, him comforting me. Why does this boy have to be so nice? So gentle, so.. understanding and patient? That's the exact opposite of what an Enderman does. He hasn't told me what his other half is yet, but I'm assuming he'll tell me someday.

He starts rocking me from side to side. "It's ok. Take your time. We're in no rush. Just get it all out. I'm right here." I relax at his comforting words. I've never felt so warm. The last time I felt this warm was when Wilbur would cuddle me when I was sad or angry and tell me stories of a great warrior princess who conquered the worlds most powerful enemy.

I breathe in deeply. "There you go. Just breathe, cry, let it out. Don't suppress your feelings. Don't bottle them up. Let them go. Talk to me. How are you feeling? What are you thinking?"

I reply in a shaky voice, "I hate Dream. I want him to suffer from the pain he's caused my family and friends. I miss Tommy so much. I hate the thought that he might be so much pain right now. I can't live with myself knowing I caused Tubbo to become depressed. I hate this pain in my side. I hate being anxious. I'm not a brave person, Ranboo. I only seem that way because it's all I want to be—" he interrupts me by taking my shoulders and facing me towards him.

"What are you talking about? You are one of the bravest people in the entire server. Don't lie to yourself. Your anxiety has no power over you. You are a brave, kind, respected person. Not to mention you're beautiful, inside and out." He turns pink, as do I.

"Y-you really think so?" I ask smiling and sniffing, wiping my tears off my face. He smiles back at me.

"I know so. I know I don't know you extremely well, only for a week and a half. But I know you well enough to know the truth about you." I hug him even tighter now.

What is this feeling? Why do I feel all fluttery and bubbly inside? Why does my face get so hot when I just listen to him talk? This is a feeling I've never felt before, I like it, but it's scary. Why do I feel this way? This isn't normal. Is it him making me feel this way? Has no one else made me feel this way?

I have so many questions about this whole thing. I feel overwhelmed by comfort. I close my eyes and breathe in, his scent filling my senses. He smells like vanilla and honey. I suddenly feel myself being lifted. I open my eyes and see him carrying me bridal style to the table.

He carefully sets me down in a chair and he sits in his seat. I say thank you and he nods with a warm smile. 'God he's so cute— wait wot?' (Apparently you're mind has gone British in this moment... '')

We begin eating in comfortable silence. I look up at him, mesmerized at the creature in front of me. I can't help but stare at him. He notices and glances at me, but this time, he looks at me fully. He doesn't turn his gaze away. He just... stares his green and red eyes into my [E/c] ones.

We stay that way for a few seconds more. We both are just there in the moment, mesmerized by each other. We both suddenly look away blushing.

"R-Ranboo?" I say, getting his attention. He looks up at me quickly. "I.. I wanted you to know that I trust you. Completely. I know it took.. forever, but it was quicker than I trust most people." His eyes go slightly wide, he then smiles from ear to ear. I could tell he's relieved.

"I'm glad. I trust you too. Completely." I giggle at that.

When we finish eating, we decide to go outside and watch the sunset. This time, we're sitting on the edge of his balcony, our feet dangling off the edge.

"The sunset is just... wow." I state quietly. I look at him, his eyes are closed and he's smiling, breathing in the breeze of dusk. I blush strawberry. We stay there, I lean my head on his arm. (I have no way to rest it on his shoulder he is hEcCa tall!)

He wraps his arm around me, his hand on my shoulder. By the time the first few stars appear, I feel my eyes become heavy, and I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Drowning Under 8'5 | Ranboo x Fem. Reader (not my art)Where stories live. Discover now