Chapter Twenty Three - Roped

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A/N: IM BACK BABY!!! Also, I did not edit, I am too lazy atm and I am wanting to see what you think. 💜


[Y/n] - Your name
[F/c] - favorite color
[E/c]- eye color (if you have two different colored eyes, go for it!)
[H/c] - hair color (if you have a certain type of hair in mind, use it!)
[H/l] - hair length
[Y/h] - your height (use whatever height you want!)
[F/f] - favorite flower
[Fi/fi] - first initial
[F/b] - breakfast
More will be added later!


'I genuinely want to have the date now instead of later. I can't wait!'

That last though surprised me. I'm not even that girly. But Ranboo makes me all giddy inside. See, I'm not a girly girl, but I'm also not a bruh girl, like tomboyish. I'm like... right smack dab in the middle.

What's that thing that I heard someone say once? Oh, right! I'm a 'Meh Girl'. I actually kinda like that. I continue my building waiting for the sun to set completely over the landscape of the blanket of fluffy white snow.

Ranboo's pov

I hope everything is going well over there. I mean, Dream is kinda scary and I just don't want them to get hurt. Especially [Y/n]. After all she's been through? Absolutely.

So I'm gonna make this date the date to remember. I'm going to try and make it as peaceful and non laboring as possible. All she has to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy herself.

I let my thoughts run wild thinking of every possible thing to do on a first date.

'Swimming? Obviously out of the question, duh. We both hate it.

Rollercoasters? No. Too harsh. Her wounds might open up and it's not peaceful whatsoever.

Parasailing? Meh.

Uhhh... flower picking? Bruh, what the heck? No! That way too childish.

Hmm... what about...'

Suddenly, light bulb.

Evening picnic in a flower field, fairy lights, watching the sunset. That's kind of our signature thing to do on a daily anyway: watching the sunset. It's perfect.

After thinking of what to do, I decide to head back. I hope they're doing ok. That's scary, they could've gotten caught and it could've been real bad. I'm worried most of [Y/n].

I grab my overcoat and axe, and set off to Techno's home. Walking down the prime path, I felt a sense of dread overcome me. I really hope [Y/n] is ok. If she's hurt in any way, shape or form, a certain someone's kneecaps are going to be put through the blade of my axe.

I finally make it to the community house and turn to the nether portal. I step up the stairs drearily and reluctantly step into the portal. That oh so common wave of nausea over takes my senses, but I'm not effected as much by it anymore. I'm so used to it now that it doesn't even bother me.

Drowning Under 8'5 | Ranboo x Fem. Reader (not my art)Where stories live. Discover now