Chapter Nine: Hockey should also be fun

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Julie Gaffney

"So, Julie, has anyone caught your eye yet?" Connie asks me. The locker room went silent, like dead silent cause I hadn't answered her yet.

I stammer a bit. "I-I don't know... I mean m-maybe but I'm not to quite sure just yet..." I look at the ground just staring at the floor.

It went silent once again, I look up at Connie, she looks like she's about to say something but the door opens. Which fills the room with fits of laughter. Our eyes trail over to the door to see four red faced people laughing, Jesse, Fulton, Guy and Annie.

"Guys we have to get ready. Coach told us to tell everyone." They all inform us in unison. Annie comes in and I stare at her. Annie closes the door, my eyes following her over to her hockey bag.

"Julie, you and I have to wear a blue jersey and Connie wears a red one." Annie tells us. I nod my head and we all change. All of us go out onto the ice seeing coach waiting for us with his hands behind his back. I'm assuming her has something.

Coach looks at us and says. "Good, your all here, now everyone get together in a big group, close together." I hear some people whisper 'why' and a few groans.

Averman and Annie look at each other. "Hopefully nobody is claustrophobic, then that's gonna be a bit of a problem for you." I look at Annie and smile, everyone else just looks at them and some shake their head.

Annie goes in between me and Averman, Goldberg in front of me. Luis on my right and Jesse behind me. Coach ties us with a rope and a few of us groan and grumble. Dwayne looks at coach. "This is more crowded than a truckload of goats." Annie and Averman laugh a bit.

I feel someone touch me. "Somebody better watch their hands." Goldberg looks at me then back to where he was looking.

Annie Bombay

Averman starts freaking out and I look at him. "Why are you freaking out, Les?" He looks at me with a grossed out expression on his face.

"Somebody licked me Annie!" He starts wiping his neck with his right hand.

"Oh I smell somethin'. Eewh eewh." We all start sniffing to figure out what the smell was, then we all realized.

"Goldberg!" We all shout and look at him. I knew it wasn't Goldberg cause Goldberg's farts don't smell this bad.

Goldberg tilts his head a bit. "It wasn't me guys." I raise my eyebrows.

"It wasn't Goldberg, his farts don't smell this bad. And thus fart smells terrible." I look back behind me and see Dean smiling.

"No it was me!" Dean outs his arms up in the air proudly and still smiles. He outs his left arm down and pumps his right fist in the air. Everyone starts complaining.

Goldberg looks back at me and Dean. "Thank you! At least Annie sided with me." He looks back forward.

Coach blows his whistle making all of us stop. "I don't know how to make this any clearer." He walks by us with his hands behind his back. "You are a team. And to win this thing, you have to work as one. Now as one, skate." He goes in front of us and stands there.

We all start going out own way at the same time and we all fall over. "Whoa!" "Ahh." I land on Julie and give her an apologetic look.

Coach looks to his right hen back at us. "Everyone goes their own way, everyone falls down. Now get up and try it again."

It takes us all a few minutes I think about 5 minutes or more that we all get up. But we are all in different spots. Julie in front of me, Dean behind me, Luis to my right with his left eyebrow raised. and Fulton to my left. "All right, all of you move to you right. Now." Some of us start moving to our right.

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