Chapter Eight: Your Eye

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20 Minutes Earlier

Annie Bombay
I walk into the girl's locker room to see Connie and Julie talking. They turn around and see me. "There you are!" Connie yelled quite loudly. I notice that they're already out of their hockey gear. "You guys do know that we have practice, right?" I ask them raising my eyebrows. "Ya we know and everyone else did plus I was sweating." Julie replies. I nod, I must admit u was sweating too I was shooting on Julie.

I go over to my hockey bag and take of my gear leaving me what I was wearing this morning. "I don't get how you both can wear jeans under your gear." Julie shakes her head a bit. "Well we only do to practices not games." Connie explains. Someone knocks on the door. "Come in! But if you FBI then no one is in here!" I shout trying yo be funny.

Julie and Connie both laugh. Jesse, Fulton and Guy come in. "We know Connie is going to say no but not quite sure about Julie." Jesse says. "We're getting in trouble, aren't we?" I guess which clearly, I already know we are. "Well yes." Fulton answers. "Well, what are you guys doing?" Julie asks.

"We're going to take the zamboni for a little... drive." Guy smirks. (I know they call it something else, but I can't remember.) "Yeah, no I'm not doing that Julie are you?" Connie faces her. "Maybe another time I'm not trying to get in trouble already." We all nod. "Well let's go!" I shout.

Fulton, Jesse, Guy and I walk out of the locker room. After a bit of walking, I zone out again, but I feel a pair of eyes looking at me. "Annie." Someone whispers to me. I snap out of it and see Guy looking at me with his eyebrows raised. "What's up?" I whisper back.

"You alright?" Guy asks in a whispered but worried tone. "Why wouldn't I be?" I raise my right eyebrow. "No reason..." Guy looks at the ground. I tilt my head with worry in my eyes. "Guy... are you alright?" I whisper. He looks up at me. "You can tell me anything I'm an excellent secret keeper and a good listener."

He laughs. "If you're an "Excellent secret keeper." Then why do you always come over to my house with Averman and spill people's secrets they tell you both." Guy says with a smile on his face. "Shhh!" I put my finger over his lips. "We don't talk about that!" I whisper shout putting my hand back down.

I turn my gaze forward and see Fulton and Jesse far ahead of us. I turn back to Guy. "Looks like we don't have to whisper anymore." I said in a normal voice. Guy nods his head. It goes silent for a bit. "Soo we're playing in the Goodwill Games..." I start. "Ya and...?" Guy has a confused look on his face. "Which is in Los Angeles..." I pause. "Which is why I think you should take Connie on a date."bit exclaimed quickly.

Guy shakes his head. "W-woah slow down Annie. Say that slower." Guy tells me. "I said that since the Goodwill Games is in Los Angeles, I think that you should take Connie on a date." I say slower. "Well a) I wouldn't know what to say or do b) we'd get lost and c) what do you know about liking someone?" Guy states. I furrow my eyebrows he was right what do I know about liking someone?

I never liked someone well not yet at least.

I look at the ground again. "Sorry if that was offensive." Guy apologizes for the 5th time today. I look up at him and laugh. "No, your right I know nothing about liking someone, by I will eventually. And you need to stop apologizing! That's like the 5th time today!" I smile and punch his at lightly. He rubs his arm acting like it hurt.


After a bit more walking we guys get to the room the zamboni is in I open the door and we all go in. "So, who's driving this thing?" I ask. "You are Annie, you are." They all say in unison. I nod and we all find a way on. "Where am I taking this again?" I question. "Through there into the rink." Jesse replied in a duh tone.

"Meaning going through the boards, got it." I start driving towards the boards but stop. "Fulton you do it." I turn to him. "Alright you sure...?" I think about it for a second. "No..." I face forwards and they all laugh.

I continue driving and drive through the boards I press the breaks which causes it to squeal. We all stand up and look at each other. "Oh my gosh." Guy says looking at me. "Oh!" Jesse and Guy look at each other. "That was awesome!" Fulton shouts.

"Are you guys, okay?" I ask putting my hands out for them to high five. "Yes." They all say in unison giving me a high five. "All right." I sigh in relief. We all laugh and turn around to see coach with his arms crossed looking at us disappointed and Miss MacKay shocked. "Sorry." Fulton apologized putting his hands up then back down.

"Yeah sorry." Guy also apologized. "Yeah coach..." Jesse had also apologized. Jesse was never one to say 'sorry' he'd only say 'yeah' agreeing if someone before him apologized. I don't think even once when we were playing for District 5, he apologized or before that...

I feel pair of eyes looking at me, so I turn to see coach and Miss MacKay looking at me. "But the good part is that we're okay..." I smile a bit looking at them.

I think for a moment then remembered dad always laughed whenever I did jazz hands so that's what I did. Miss MacKay and coach laugh a bit. Well, I guess I know now whenever I'm in another situation like this I'll just do jazz hands... "Well, you four get off of there." Miss MacKay signals us to come down. "Next thing you know our of you guys are gonna get hurt." Coach says looking at me.

I mean he's correct cause a) he's my dad b) he seen me being clumsy and c) I admit I am clumsy. "Yes coach." Jesse says getting down. Guy follows then Fulton and me. "We're sorry again coach." Guy apologizes again. I look at him and smack his arm lightly again.

We all start heading off the ice, but coach stops us. "Wait get changed practice starts and tell the others too." Coach shoos us all off. We nod and run off trying nod to fall and then start laughing when we're off. "That was amazing! Therefore, I like doing stuff like this with you guys."

Connie Moreau

"So, Julie, has anyone caught your eye yet?" I ask Julie. It was only us two in the locker room since Annie went with Jesse, Guy and Fulton do in God knows what kind of trouble they're getting into. The locker room went silent like dead silent which usually means that someone has caught her eye.

"I -I don't know... I mean m -maybe but I'm not to quite sure just yet..." Julie stammers a bit looking at the ground. I was about to say something, but the door opens and fits of laughter fills the room. Our eyes trail over to the door to see four red faced people laughing, Jesse Hall, Guy Germaine, Fulton Reed and Miss Annie Bombay.

"Guys we have to get ready. Coach told us to tell everyone." They all inform us in unison. Annie comes in and I see Guy send me a little wave. I wave back but blush a bit, so I look at the ground.

Annie closes the door and goes over to her hockey bag. "Julie, you and I have to wear a blue practice jersey and Connie wears a red one." Annie tells us. Julie nods and we all change.

A/n: This is the longest chapter I have written yet. Do you guys like long chapters like this one or shorter ones?

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