Chapter Six: It's Fulton!

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"Don." Coach puts his hand out. Mr. Tibbles turns around realizing what coach means. He starts hesitantly taking off his whistle. "Come on." He puts the whistle in his hand. Coach closes his hand and puts the whistle in his pocket. 'You'll get it back at the end of the school term." We all burst out laughing. Mr. Tibbles walks off the ice and leaves the rink.

"All right, Ducks. Show 'em what you got! Let's scrimmage!" He blows his whistle. Jesse and Dwayne take center and I take left wing. "Great day for hockey ain't it?" "Sure is, cowboy." Dwayne gets the puck and slides it in between Jesse's legs causing him to fall. I skate after Dwayne almost right beside him. I try and get the puck, but Luis comes over and Dwayne let's him take the puck. "Hey, man, take it easy! Slow down!" Goldberg shouts.

Coach cups his hands around his mouth. "Goldberg, look out!" "Oh no!" Luis tries to stop but ends up skating into Goldberg knocking him over. But at least the puck still went in the net. "This guys gotta learn how to stop." Coach shook his head smiling a bit.

Luis takes off his helmet and hits Goldberg with it lightly. "Thanks for breaking my fall." Goldberg nods. "Anytime." Luis gets up and skates away. Adam has the puck but Dean skates over to him and crouches down in front of Adam. Causing him to flip over Deans back losing the puck.

But Jesse gets the puck and takes his shot, Julie catches it then drops the puck on the ice. Dwayne, Dean, Fulton, Charlie and Averman are all trying to dig the puck out. "Come on! Dig it out of there!" Coach shouts at them. "Let's go! Come on!" They all shout. Averman goes over to the bench and takes off his helmet. He grabs his bottle and takes a drink of water.

"Haven't you guys been training in the off season?" Coach aka Averman. "You know I knew we forgot something." Averman answers nodding his head and smiling. He takes another drink of water. Adam has the puck again and passes it to me. I start skating towards the net and shoot.

It felt like that everything around me was in slow motion Julie reaches her hand out to catch it. The puck went in, and Julie only missed it by a couple inches. "Good job Annie! Way to show 'em!" Coach claps his hands. We continue playing then Dean checks Fulton into the boards.

Fulton grunts and just lays down on the ice. "How do you feel tough guy?" Dean laughs. Guy and Averman skates over to Dean to check him into the boards but Dean pushes them over on the net. "Ding! Round one." Goldberg laughs a bit. After a bit Fulton gets the puck. Mr. Tibbles comes back talking to a women who I assume is Miss MacKay.

"Wait 'til you meet these kids. They're fantastic." I hear Mr. Tibbles say indistinctly. I see Fulton about o shoot and my eyes go wide. "Look out!" I yell. Everyone see's Fulton with the puck about to shoot. "It's Fulton! Look out for his shot!" Some of the ducks say. All of us Ducks move out of the way very quickly.

"What a bunch of wusses!" Dean shouts. Fulton shoots and Deans eyes go wide. "Uh-oh!" Everyone including Julie moves out of the way. The puck hits the crossbar then the roof. We all follow the puck with our eyes. "Half of 'em are ringers from various parts of the U.S. Then the other half-" She interrupts him. "Duck!" She ducks down. "That's right! The Ducks." He turns around and the puck hits him in the head.

"Hello? Mr. Tibbles? Mr. Tibbles? Mr. Tibbles can you hear me?" I lean over to Averman and whisper to him. "Bro he dead." Averman clenches his lips to contain his laughter. "He's a dead bitchh..." Averman says laughing a bit. I also clench my lips and both out faces turns red. Coach puts something under Mr. Tibbles nose but I'm not quite sure what... Mr. Tibbles sniffs. "Mr. Tibbles, wake up." Mr. Tibbles wakes up.

Dwayne fixes the icepack on his head. "He looks pretty good for a dead bitch." Averman whispers laughing. "He's alive!" I whisper. Averman looks at me with his red face, and we both start wheezing. Everybody looks at us confused but Julie laughs quietly shaking her head looking at me.

"Oh Mr. Tibbles are you alright?" She asks. "Oh uh, I'll have a cheeseburger, fries and a chocolate shake, please." Mr. Tibbles says. We all start laughing but RJ at just makes Averman and my faces more redder from laughing. The women looks up and smiles. "I think he'll be alright. We'll keep an eye on him." She pauses. "Oh I'm sorry he didn't get to introduce me." She stands up putting her coat over her right arm. "I'm Michele MacKay, the kids tutor." She puts her hand out for coach to shake. I was right! I guessed that she was Miss MacKay earlier! He shakes her hand.

A/N: In my opinion in I liked this chapter even though there's still more chapters to come. Hope y'all are having a good day.

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