Chapter Two: Band Box

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"What's wrong why is no one talking?" I asked them. "Don't you remember?" Guy asked. "Uh what?" I'm honestly so confused right now. "Well your dad well coach didn't tell you? Well, he told us to meet him by Band Box according to Charlie." Fulton explained a bit to me, and Charlie nodded his head dad never told me anything unless if I forgot so I just shook my head no. "Well go get on pads, helmet and roller blades... and get your hockey bag." Jesse spoke.

"Alright fine dad." I said sarcastically, Averman comes up to me and gives me a high five. "Really?" The ducks say in unison. Me and Averman hum to answer their question I go to the door and pick up my hockey bag. I put the hockey bag strap over my shoulder and go outside.

I sit down on the steps to take off my shoes and I put my shoes in my hockey bag. I then put on my knee pads and elbow pads helmet and roller blades. Everyone comes out and picks up their hockey bags that was sitting on the porch but I got up and close the door. I take out the key that I had put in my back pocket earlier and lock the door and put my key back into my pocket.

"All right let's go! " Charlie says while leading everyone. "I'm glad the Ducks are back together well some at least... " I whispered to Connie who was beside me skating. "Yeah same if I'm being honest I missed Avermans jokes and sarcasm. "She pauses. "Oh and you won't ever guess what almost happened earlier Ans!" Connie finishes in a whisper shout.

"I'm a terrible guesser well sometimes I'm good but anyways what almost happened Cons?" I asked curiously being the curious person that I am. "Well  Guy almost kissed me..." Connie muttered happily under her breath so only I could hear. "No fucking way" I blurted out and Connie slapped her hand over my mouth, and everyone looked back at us some confused and some laughing. Only just now I realized I blurted that out Connie still had her hand over my mouth, so I licked her hand. "Ew Ans...!" Connie said while laughing she wiped her hand on her shirt.

"And that is why my friends that you don't put your hand over Annie's mouth." Averman stated which was very true. "Wait why do we have to meet my dad at Band Box?" I questioned them. "For your information he told Charlie for us to meet him by Band Box and not at Band Box." Averman corrected me. "Shut up Averman!" All of us said in unison, Guy and Averman were skating beside each other, and Guy elbowed Averman in his side.

Which made Averman fall but luckily, I was behind him, so I caught him. "Hi there, soldier." I smiled at Averman and pushed him back up. Charlie takes out this whistle looking thing and blows into it, a duck sound came out of it and everyone starts chanting 'ducks' so I join in.

You see Bombay so you all skate towards him and he walks over to us. We all circle around him still chanting 'ducks'. "Welcome back ducks, I really missed you guys..." He says while he puts his left hand on his side. "Well except you miss Annie Mae." Dad said and everybody else laughed. "Uh rude." I said sarcastically. "Well anyways are you all ready to fly?" He asks and there's some 'yeah'  and 'woos'. Then we all hear a car honking, and we all turn to see a limo.


"Who's in there?"
"They can't be from this neighborhood."

A man pops out from the top of the car I'm guessing there's a sunroof in there. "Hey guys I'm Don Tibbles. Hendrix Hockey Apparel your official sponsors!"

×Life Can Be Difficult | Julie Gaffney [1]×Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora