Chapter 8

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Percy reappeared inside of a gigantic city, surrounded all four sides by massive black walls. the theme was black, which included the tall buildings, reaching for the starry black space, and the paths, long, sturdy, wide and straight. The aroma of different foods permeated throughout the air, making Percy's mouth water. A humongous castle with four medieval currents stood in the middle of the city, looking imposing, mysterious and beautiful with its black stones. People bustled throughout the city, doing their jobs, the exciting chatter of children going through the air.

Percy smiled. This was Planet Chaos, and everything was peaceful. No internal conflicts, no fights, and no civil war. He sauntered casually to the entrance of the castle, waving and smiling at the people, who returned the gestures. A patrol of soldiers passed by, differentiated from the common folk by their weapons, and their pitch black uniform. They looked curiously at Percy, but did not stop him. He was not a familiar figure, since Chaos only showed him the city once since he preferred to go to Earth to talk to Percy. As he was watching, the guards stopped and helped people who looked like they were struggling with what they were doing, and were just casually talking with them.  

Percy smiled at their behavior and continued to his destination. The castle didn't have a wall surrounding it, instead, the four towers were the corners of it. Many soldiers were patrolling in squads, with dozens posted at the portcullis of the castle, but as he was watching, they let the people stroll in without a second thought. He went into the middle of the mob and strolled in. To be frank, he stuck out like a sore thumb.

When he passed by the guards, they gave the mob a cursory glance, but with Percy's experienced eyes, he observed that they looked at everyones face, being able to discern if they were wanted or not.

But why did he not just mist travel inside of the castle? Well, for Percy to mist travel, he has to picture the location. Unfortunately for him, he has never actually been in the castle, forcing him to enter manually.

After he passed by the portcullis, which was actually made out of a black metal, he tripped on a moderately sized stone and stumbled into the person in front of him, a young man. They both fell to the ground.

"Sorry about that," Percy apologized, jumping up to his feet. He held out his hand for the man to take, which he did so smiling, hoisting himself off the ground.

"Not a problem, just watch were you're going next time," The man joked.

"Will do," Just like that, he started walking into the palace. His eyes caught movement, a blonde guard pointing a finger at him while talking to the other four guards next to her urgently.


They started marching towards him. Percy hurriedly went through the gigantic double doors of the palace, looking for  a way to go. He could either go left, right, or straight, each huge passage ornately decorated in the same black pattern, each one big enough to let dozens of people walk side by side. As he watched, servants exited and entered the left passage with foods and supplies, while common folk went in the middle. People with an invisible aura of power went right. Soldiers milled milled all around, going into every passage, their numbers well past a thousand.

Right goes to the kitchens and servant quarters, straight leads presumably to courtrooms, and right leads to the throne room, rooms for royalty and a bunch of other important rooms.

Percy turned and walked through the right passage, admiring the beauty of the vases, chandeliers, and decorations. He did not run, since that would draw attention to himself. He heard shouts coming from the entrance hall, coming closer to him.

Well, I at least know that I chose the right direction.

Every time there was a fork in the corridor, he went the way his instincts thought was correct. Eventually, he appeared in a lavish space, full of couches, tables, and even kitchens with islands, the black ceiling dominated by chandeliers that looked priceless. There were many wooden doors lining the walls. 

Percy was definitely lost.

There were dozens of people in the room, females and males, all having beautiful white wings, making them look like otherworldly angels. They were sprawled on the couches, standing, and even eating. As Percy was watching, their wings seemed to have a mind of their own, fluttering differently and faster for each emotion.

Some of them gave Percy a curious glance when he entered, but went back to their conversations. The closest person was a female who's aura screamed 'I'm in charge'. Percy took a deep breath and walked towards her, approaching from behind. She was talking to another female, perhaps her second command.

Percy reached out to tap her shoulder, but before he made contact, her body and wings tensed and turned around, sending a fist flying at Percy's face. In hindsight, he should have made his presence clear before.

His primal instincts helped him dodge the super speed of the punch. While her fist was still extended, he grabbed it with both of his hands and flipped her over his shoulder, knocking the wind out of her. He turned around and saw that all of the winged people had drawn swords and were approaching menacingly.

He put his hands in front of him in a peaceful manner.

"I mean no harm."

A male snarled at him. "Then why did you attack Lauraine?" The man gestured to the female Percy had flipped onto the ground with his sword, who had jumped to her feet and was at the point of the formation.

"I was going to ask her where Chaos is. But before I could, she punched me! What I supposed to do, let it hit me?" He asked sarcastically, making the situation worse.

They growled at him, everybody except the leader, Lauraine. She had a curious look on her face.

"Why would you want to know where Lord Chaos is?" She asked.

"I have some matters to discuss with him."

"Sorry, but I don't quite believe you," She said. "If you were familiar enough with him to call Lord Chaos by his first name, you would have to be very close to him, like his sister. Given that I haven't seen you anywhere close to him, nor has Lord Chaos talked about you, I simply cannot tell you."

Percy could have gotten himself out of that situation, but his mind was stuck on one thing she said.

"Chaos has a sister?" Now that he thought about it, Chaos had mentioned that he had a sister once or twice.

Lauraine had a satisfied look on her face. 

"See, you don't even know Lady Void! There is no way you know Lord Chaos," She said. "You're just an assassin--an experienced assassin, since you managed to flip me, but you made a mistake on this job. Who were you trying to kill? If it was Lord Chaos himself, you have no chance. He cannot fade."

"I'm telling you the truth!" He exclaimed.

"We'll get the real truth out of you." 

With that, she ordered her soldiers to capture him.

Even worse, the soldiers that were chasing him burst through the door he came from, blocking his exit.

"Get him!"

Only a miracle could save him now.

A/N-Hope you all like the story, a few more chapters and that will probably end this one. Thank you for all the support, and have a good afternoon!

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