November, 1993

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"Merlin, what's put you in a mood?" Liv asked the gloomy boy.

"I'm afraid," Harry admitted, letting his eyes fall to the floor. "The people of Hogsmede will take one look at my scar and freak – with all this talk of Sirius Black,"

Liv frowned. How unfair of a boy of such a young age to be forced into such a situation – being afraid to step out in a homey town like Hogsmede without the fear of being treated, well, the way he had been his entire life.

"I have an idea," Liv said thoughtfully, it wasn't the best one, but it would certainly do. She grabbed Harry's hand in her own and pulled to drag him towards the stairs heading up to her dormitory. "Come on!"

"Alright, alright! I'm coming," he responded, shaking her off her arm and following aimless behind her as she raced up the stairs in excitement. Oh, the little things.

It was a rare sight for the girls bathroom to be neat, so with no worry she rummaged about the clutter Without the fear of creating mess, because the place would always – and will always – be in utter shambles. 'Aha!' She'd grabbed thing she'd been searching for and exited the bathroom as quickly as she'd entered it.

But there was a terrible crash, and the groan of a young boy.

"Harry?" Liv called immediately, peering down the steps – now slide, seeing him pick himself up off the floor. This forced her to clasp a hand over her mouth. "Oh my God! I forgot they did that!"

The unwritten rule that boys were not allowed – and not able too, get up to the girls dormitory without the stairs turning into a slide to force them back down had slipped Liv's mind, for she'd never tried to bring one up there anyway. She ran down the steps, Harry was okay, thankfully, and held out her hand that held the makeup.

"I have this," she smiled. Harry frowned, rubbing his head where he fell.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Magic," Liv told him, trying her best to move  his deranged hair away from where it had fallen over his forehead. "Hold still – Merlin, do you ever brush your hair?"

"Apparently I got the messy hair gene from my Dad," Harry spoke, frowning further as she smeared the concealer over his scar and began rapidly tap at his head to blend it in.

"Twins!" Liv beamed, ignoring his irritated blinks every time her finger contacted his forehead. "Apparently I get my good hair gene from my Dad!"

"I still don't understand what you're doing–"
he begun, immediately getting cut off.

"There, done," Liv told him, pushing his glasses back onto his face. "Your scar is gone,"

Harry's eyes lit up. "Forever?"

"Oh, no," Liv said apologetically, watching Harry's face sadden.

"How'd you do it, anyway?" He asked.

"It's magic, I told you," Liv winked. "Can we go now?"

Harry nodded, pulling out his invisibility cloak and throwing it over the pair. "Let's go,"

They meandered their way out the common room and down the moving staircases, careful not to trip or stumble over each other's feet. When he he reached a corridor that was empty, Harry spoke up.

"Are you going to tell me why Colin Creevey is pestering me for an autograph?"

"Did you give it to him?" Liv whispered in response.

"No?" Harry said as if it was obvious – Liv began to glare at him from under the dark cloak.

"Harry!" She hissed. "Why not?"

Good Girl Gone Bad  [LIV BLACK]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz