Chapter 30: why me?

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8 fruity men

Dance machine added Yeosang to the group.

Dance machine changed Yeosang's name to Chicken lover.

Chicken lover


I guess you've all heard of my situation from Woo



I'm sorry that you have to bare with someone like that, Yeosang

he seems like he thinks he can control your life like a puppet

Chicken lover

I mean

he already is

always has been

and it won't change until he drops dead or gets murdered or something

Buff bear

I- right


yeosang, you know that what he's doing is wrong, right?

Chicken lover

I know, Seonghwa

I just

I don't know what to do anymore

Dance machine


Chicken lover

I guess he's been manipulating me for too long that I've started to get used to it

he did it to my brother too

and then he switched to me and now I have to bare with it ig


it is not your fault, Yeosang

he's the one that should be sorry

he's the one who's manipulating you and basically stalking you

it's not fair nor okay for him to do that

Dance machine

he's right yeosang

you should do something about it

we're all here to help you you know that right?

we're your friends

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