Part 1: Loved

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"Can you get me these?" said Patch pointing to the poster. Spectra never looked like she was willing to help him, but for some reason she always did. The poster had a sewing machine on it, Spectra the gengar took the poster from Patch's hand and studied it.

"I believe I can, but it's going to cost you thirty Babiri berries," she said. Patch exhaled, that was a lot, but for what he needed, it was going to be worth it. There was a pokemon fighter in town he also needed to team up with, Zachery the palossand. He quickly gave Spectra her berries, and tried to make his way up to Zachery.

He needed his help because of a goal of his, to wipe out all pikachu. He hated the pikachu, how popular they were, how "strong" they were (when the mimikyu were stronger), and how lovable they were. He and the other mimikyu were desperately lonely, longing for friends and trainers when their true faces were too hideous to keep people alive, or so the rumors said. However, he had shown his face to other pokemon before...but only ghost types, which didn't matter because they were already dead. He had no idea what would happen if he had shown a living pokemon his face, he hadn't even seen his own face because if he was as scary as pokemon said he was, then he didn't want to know what he looked like.

Zachery would be the perfect pokemon to help him take down the pikachu. He was a ground type, and since he was a ghost type as well it was perfect since Patch could only trust ghost types. "Zachery," Patch said shyly, "I need your help."

"Yes? What with?" said the battle pokemon.

"I want to get rid of all the pikachu in this area," said Patch. Zachery looked shocked.

"Arceus, what on earth for? Did they do something to you?" said Zach.

"They existed, that's what they've done. I don't even know any pikachu, but I know they've ruined the lives of all mimikyu, by being so darn perfect." he said.

Zach still looked confused, "Isn't that a bit...much? I know that we are ghost types, but I couldn't hurt such innocent looking creatures like them." he admitted. Patch was furious.

"What you just said is exactly my problem. Because pikachu are so good looking, everyone loves them, even if they are bad. I just have to be born with a hideous face that causes people and pokemon to die, when I just want to be loved!" Patch stopped there, since every ghost pokemon in their guild started staring at him, he was sounding desperate and crazy. Patch's stomach hurt, he had been thinking about this issue his whole life, and it caused him so much pain.

"Show me your face." said the palossand.

"What?" asked Patch, under his disguise.

"Show me your face!" he repeated, loudly this time. Everyone stared as Patch took out his long pointy fingers, and pulled his pikachu disguise off of his head.

"Hmm..." said Zach, turning his sand castle head to look at him better.

"What? What do I look like?" he asked, scared of Zach's reply.

"You're not nearly as bad as the rumors say, but it's just your eyes," he said.

"What do my eyes look like?" asked Patch.

"Like little white diamonds, but to a living pokemon, I believe your eyes would do...something to their brain, probably causing the curse, hence where the rumors come from." he said, explaining the effect Patch's eyes had on him. Patch didn't know what to think, he hoped that what Zach said was true, but he still was too scared to show his true self. 

Show Yourself ( A Mimikyu x Pikachu short story) 100 followers specialWhere stories live. Discover now