Shopping Trip - 3

Start from the beginning


"Okay, bye Sap" Dream shouted as he sprinted out the door as soon as the professor finished teaching.

Dream heard a slight sound of a 'good luck Dream' as he made his way out towards the parking lot.

He checked his phone, 12:03, okay that's not too bad, he thought.

Only 3 minutes late plus the drive will be almost 10, that shouldn't be too bad.

He tried to reassure himself that he was going to get this job as he drove over to Soot's Records. Struggling to focus on the road with all of the thoughts clouding his previously clear mind.

Eventually, he reached his regular parking spot and he slammed the breaks as he ran up to the store. Fixing his hair slightly in the window before walking in.

He looked around, it was weird seeing Wilbur where George normally was but he guessed that that was normal around this time. George was a university student after all.

"Hi Dream" Wilbur welcomed, smiling with that same sweet smile that Dream had seen yesterday, "Hey Wilbur".

"I can help you in 1 second let me just finish this one thing," Wilbur said, looking back down at the computer in front of him as he continued typing,

Dream nodded and took the time to run through his thoughts before his interview.

You're okay Dream, you're gonna do great. This is easy, it's just Wilbur, then you get to work with George for hours every day, he kept repeating in his head. 

A smile spread across his face as he reminded himself that after this interview, there was going to be a chance for him to spend time with George every day for an actual reason, and not him just wanting to see the brunet.

"Okay let's do this" Wil said, walking over to Dream and flipping the 'open' sign to say 'closed'. Dream glanced at Wilbur quizzically and Wilbur explained to him "It's just so no one comes in while I'm interviewing you".

"Makes sense" Dream said, following Wilbur as he led him to the office door behind the counter.

Wilbur led Dream through the door and Dream took a look around before he sat down with Wil.

The room was the same colour as the main room and there was a small window in the right corner with a lot of vine plants hanging from it.

Other than that there was one big bookshelf and the rest of the walls were plain. There was a big beanbag chair in one corner on top of a large rug and then in the left corner a desk with chairs on either side.

Wilbur sat in the chair on the far side of the desk and motioned for Dream to sit in the one in front of him.

"So Dream can I see your resume," Wil asked. Dream proceeded to grab his resume out of his bag and handed it to the tall brit.

"Thank you," Wilbur said as he took the paper from Dream's hand and looked it over.

"Okay so let's start with some questions" Wilbur continued and began to ask Dream all sorts of questions.


Sure enough, the interview was over in about 45 minutes and Dream thought it went fairly well.

"Well I think that's the end of it" Wilbur sighed as he stood up and held his hand out to Dream "You're hired".

"What?" Dream asked, his eyes widening even though he was almost sure that he was going to get this job.

"Well normally I wouldn't hire people this fast but you fit all of the requirements and we're really short on employees" Wilbur explained "And George seems to really like you"

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