They hang up with each other and both are immediately darting about. Realistically speaking, this shouldn't be as big of a deal as it is, yet here they both are. Both actually rather into each other, and both have been right there this whole time and neither knew about it.
Fate is a funny thing indeed.

Jack is at Koba before Alex is. He sits down at a little table by the window and waits, close to the door in case Alex wants to bolt. He did seem rather shocked and nervous when he realized that Jack knew exactly where he was, so he figures he'll give the kid an out. He's looking his best in black jeans, a grey and white striped long sleeve shirt with his leather jacket over it, his hair done up nicely.
He looks up to see the beautiful brunette walk through the door. Alex is in the tightest dark blue jeans Jack has ever seen on a person. They have to be painted on his skin, they're so tight. He's got a burgundy v neck top on now and a grey beanie. Truth be told, he looks adorable. In person, he doesn't look like the boy who accentuates his every feature online. He looks soft, and gentle. He looks anxious, which is a far cry from his online persona.
"Alex" Jack gets up to greet him.
Alex smiles at him and hugs him. Good lord Alex smells amazing.
Jack hugs him back, pretty sure he's either about to pass out or have a heart attack. Maybe both.
"Hey." Alex says as he pulls back from the friendly hug, "Did you order yet?" He asks.
Jack shakes his head, "No I thought I'd wait for you."

They go to the counter and order their drinks, which Jack insists upon paying for. After all, he did say he'd much rather take Alex out on a real date.
They're back at their table again, both quietly sipping their drinks, Alex occasionally taking a bite of his salad.
"How did I not realize you lived here?" Alex asks, and Jack wonders if he's talking out loud to himself, or actually asking Jack the question. Alex looks at him when he doesn't receive an answer.
Jack inhales, "I don't know. I mean, you have my phone number. You just missed it I guess? All I have is your email and whatever phone number you used to let me call you from." He shrugs his shoulders.
Alex nods, "Yeah. It's a burner phone with a New Jersey area code. I don't have my real number linked to the account. That would be dangerous. I guess I just didn't pay attention when I saved your number." He bites his bottom lip. Jack notices that he's got a bit of a knack for doing that when he's nervous.
"Is it a bad thing that we do live so close together?" Jack's been wanting Alex's input on that since their FaceTime session at the park.
Alex looks thoughtful again as he tries to come up with an answer, "It could be a bad thing if you're not who I hope you are."
Jack smiles, "I mean, I hope you are who I think you are too. I really do work at a photo center in the JC Penney, my friend you overheard is Adam and he works with me. I live alone in a little apartment in Towson, and I really do own my own photography business. I don't think I ever actually showed you it, but look." He gets on his phone and pulls up a Facebook account for his photography page. He slides his phone to Alex.
Alex picks the phone up and starts looking through the thousands of photos Jack's taken. They're beautiful. He's done weddings, he's done solo shoots, boudoir shoots for couples and solo boudoir shoots for women, maternity photos, nature photos. Everything.
"Wow." Alex says quietly, "Life in the Lens Photography. I like the name. I've actually heard of you before, then."
Jack smiles, "Have you really?" He sips his latte, amused at Alex's facial expression as he's realizing that he's seen Jack's work before.
Alex nods, "I have. My roommates mom booked you for this photoshoot for Jenna's sister Sammy." He pulls up a maternity shoot and shows Jack.
Jack smiles, "Oh yeah! That's Samantha. I remember her. She was a fun momma to photograph."

They talk for a while about seemingly nothing and everything all at once, and Jack did in fact show Alex a few tricks with his camera, helping Alex take really artsy pictures of their drinks. The photos weren't special or really that good by any means, but they had fun. Turns out, Alex is the chef at Jack's favorite place to get dinner, Chiapparelli's. Jack wonders how many meals he's eaten that Alex has cooked up for him.
They've long since finished their coffees, but neither of them want to leave.
"Do you regret coming to meet me?" Jack asks curiously. As great as the conversation was, Alex is so different in person. He's definitely not all flirty constantly, and he's a bit hard to read. He's more reserved and shy.
Alex offers him that sweet, close mouthed smile, "I don't regret it. I had fun, and it's cool that we got to talk about things other than what we have been, now that I can share some of the things that I really do with you."
"I had fun too. You're nice to talk to. It's different in person. I liked it. I hope maybe one day soon, we can do this again." Jack smiles.
Alex nods in agreement, getting up. Jack joins him.
Alex hugs him again, kissing his cheek, "I think one day soon can definitely happen. I'll let you know when I'm home safe." He says as he walks out of the cafe.

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