𝗢𝘂𝗿 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗛𝗼𝗺𝗲

Start from the beginning

After closing the door namjoon made his way down the hall and into the kitchen where he found jimin cooking "hey joon" looking over his shoulder at the brunette who offered a small smile "hey" stepping beside the omega who right away wrapped him in a hug which the alpha returned "are you both done packing?" Jimin nodded returning his attention to the plates with food "jun-seo come have breakfast!" right away his pup was running into the kitchen and jumping on his seat "joonie are you eating with us?!" His big green eyes looked up at his uncle who smiled making his dimples appear "ofcourse jimin invited me" taking the seat beside the boy who happily wriggled his arms.

"Here you both go" setting a plate in front of namjoon and another in front of his son to then take a seat across them "uncle joon will you visit us often?" Named man gave an eye closed smile his two dimples deepening as he gave a small nod "as soon as I get permission from my boss I will stay with you as long as I can" at his words jun-seo finally unwrapped his arms from his uncle "promise!" Angrily pouting and raising his pinky "I promise" wrapping his own pinky around his nephews.

When namjoon went to stand up he was pulled back into another hug from the brown haired boy "I will miss you joonie" and the man happily returned the tight embrace "I will miss you too, but I already promised to visit soon" they pulled back and Namjoon finally stood up looking at the blonde man who smiled at him before they hugged "drive safely and if you need anything let me know" jimin hummed and started to pull back "don't skip your meals namjoon i know you" the alpha sheepishly rubbed the back of his head and nodded "I will see you both off now" taking a step back but stopped once again by his nephew "uncle... can you scent it for me?" Jun-seo timidly raised his purple dinosaur plushie which Namjoon gladly took and scented it until it was completely covered in his own black coffee scent "take care of your mom for me" returning the dinosaur to a happy jun-seo who gave a firm nod "see you soon namjoon" he nodded and waved at the pair as they climbed on their car and soon drove down the road until he couldn't see them anymore.


A few hours later filled with vivid laughter of the omega and the little alpha jimin with a huge grin read the welcoming ban "Welcome to wellspring" sparing his excited son a small glance as he raised on his seat and looked at the amount of free and natural space "mommy look!! There are a lot of trees! And flowers!" His green eyes wide as excitement took over his features "mommy it's so pretty here" the six year old stared agape as they passed small buildings until moments later they where parking right in front of a not so tall building, from the outside painted a caramel color.

They stepped out of the car and jun-seo was first to wander off for a bit "let me go get the keys from the tenant so you guys can move everything up" the worker to whom jimin directed nodded before walking back to the entry where his son already stared up at the building with big eyes "jun-seo honey" the boy snapped out of his trance and took his mom's hand "Let's go" walking together up the stairs and to the second floor "mommy these are too many stairs" the omega laughed at his huffing son "it's only these once honey, the elevator is broken" they stopped in front of a beige colored door and jimin knocked in it, not long later a rosegold haired omega opened the door his lips right away turning into a big boxy smile "you must be Jimin!" The named omega frowned not knowing who the taller was "yeah that's me" giving a small chuckle "I came for the keys so I can get everything on the apartment" the man nodded and reached for the side to pull mentioned keys "yeah my mate mentioned it four times before he left for work" Handing the blonde his apartment keys "i'm taehyung by the way"

Jimin smiled and shook the tallers hand "mommy why does he smell like milk?" His small voice making taehyung glance down to find the six year old "that's because i'm pregnant young boy" bopping jun-seos nose making him giggle, jimins and jun-seo's eyes fell to the omegas baby bump "and what's your name?" Taehyung asked making jun-seo give a small smile "i'm jun-seo!" Taehyungs smile not falling as he looked at the cute boy "you must be a well grown omega, how old are you kiddo?" The boys pumpkin scent reaching the gold haired omegas nose but the infant shook his head "i'm not an omega, I'm a strong alpha!" Puffing out his chest while making the man in front of him raise his brows "and I'm six years old" giving a firm nod "well little alpha it was great meeting you" looking back up at a wide smiling jimin and speaking "if you need anything let me know my mate must be already on his way here" and with a final nod and small congratulation from the shorter taehyung returned to his home closing the door and leaving the pair to accommodate themselves.

Almost five hours later jimin was paying to the workers and closing the door once they left and plopping down on his new couch of his new apartment, despite his closed eyes he could still hear the faint sound of his son feet against the wooden floors as he made his way to the couch where his mom rested "mommy?" Opening his arms in instinct and feeling content as his little one slid on his arms "what's it sweetie?" Nuzzling his nose on his child's chestnut hair and breathing in his pumpkin scent "i'm hungry" humming and stretching to reach for his bag and pull out his phone to check the time "aw my sweet little alpha, it's already tired, how about we go eat?" Jun-seo right away nodded "we can ask taehyung if he knows any restaurants that are near" and the boy gave a small gasp making jimin open his eyes "can we ask him if there's a park near?" Looking up and getting a nod followed by a small smile of his parent "alright let's go"

They both got up, put on their shoes and made their way out of their apartment to bump into a tall broad shouldered man "oh sorry" the man spoke taking a step back and from his woody scent jimin could make out who the alpha was "hi Seokjin" looking at the familiar man who gave a small smile "hi jimin nice to see you again" glancing at the young boy staring up at him with a small frown "and these must be jun-seo" giving him a small wave which for some reason made the boy loosen up as he didn't saw the older alpha as a threat for his mom "my mate who I assume you already met, taehyung, told me you guys had already arrived so I came to greet you and see if you needed anything" jimin softly smiled "we where about to go knock on your door, we wanted to know if you knew any place we could eat?" The black haired alpha nodded "there's a good burgers and fries place just across the street they are the best in town" proudly smiling.

"That sounds great thanks" feeling his son tug at his sleeve reminding him of the other place he wanted to know about "also, is there any park nearby?" And seokjin again nodded "there's two, the biggest one starts right in front of your shop beside the bookstore and goes all the way to the antique shop" the omega seemed to be surprised making jin lightly chuckle "since here is quite a very free and natural space the town just made those two park to keep it safer for the kids, the second park is way more small since it's on the other side of town and near a lake, not much people go around there but it's beautiful" jun-seo's eyes stared in almost amazement at the broad shouldered alpha "that sounds nice, we will go eat for now moving do takes a lot of energy" jimin gave a small smile and got one from the older in return "ofcourse if you need anything you have my number" they watched the taller man walk down the hall and into his apartment, soon after jimin and jun-seo made their way out of the building and across the street to the restaurant.

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