A xeno?

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In the dungeon

3rd person

Welf and the other members of the hestia familia with two new members being mikoto and haruhime are in the dungeon along with bell a member of the Loki familia and one of the strongest too. Right now they were on the middle floors and with some other adventure as well

A vouivre was running through the dungeon running from the adventure on the floor and the monsters too. But as she was running she tripped over a brunch and fell, but as she tried to get up she looked up to see a mad with red hair and a red cape

Welf: a vouivre?

The vouivre looked at welf in fear and started crying?

Wait it's crying?! Well thought

But welf was snapped out of his thoughts when a monsters Baird suddenly appeared and it amid it's attack on the vouivre bu th welf lucky blocked the attack

But as the baird was about to attack again a white blur came out of nowhere and sent the baird flying killing it

When welf got a better look he noticed that the white blur was bell who kicked the baird

Bell: yo welf.

But before welf could say anything he heard another adventure come there way

Where the is that little rat!

It couldn't have gotten far we need to find it!

Welf thought quickly and put his cape on the vouivre

Adventure: hey you two have you maybe seen a vouivre around here?

Bell: nope can't say i can.

Bell: you welf?

Welf: y-yeah me neither sorry.

Adventure: tch! thanks for nothing.

Said the adventure as he past by the two followed by the other adventures

Welf then looked at the vouivre

Bell: so welf who's the girl?

Welf: okay bell you gatta promise me something.

Bell: sure what's up?

Welf: don't attack.

Bell: uh ok.

Welf then removed the hood of the cape and revealed a vouivre. When welf looked at bell he saw that we was shocked

Bell: um welf why are you hiding a vouivre?

Bell said getting closer ready to attack. Welf seeing this gets in between the two

Bell: welf move.

Welf: w-wait bell you don't understand.

But as bell was about to respond the where interrupted by the other members of the hestia familia

Master welf!

Welf: o-oh hey you guys

Mikoto: where did you run of too, we were worried something happened after you disappeared.

Lili: you know wondering of by yourself on the nineteen floor is very dangerous.

Welf: sorry you guys won't happen again.

Haruhime: so um master welf who is this?

Welf looked at bell and bell just looked away

Welf: let's head back we can talk on the eighteen floor.

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