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Hey guys I just want to say that am sorry for not uploading I wasn't feeling to good but am back and i will upload as soon as possible, well I hope you enjoy this chapter.

We see four figures in a cafe having a little "chat" about two of the figures sent being in a sower will they get there answer or not

Dionysius: first of all, I'd like to make it clear it wasn't me I had nothing to do with the monsterphilia issue they weren't mine you must believe me.

Bete growled a bit not believing what dionysius was saying

Loki: come on don't play me, my two wolf boys found your sent all over that sower where all the monsters been hiding out.

Dionysius looks at bell with a smile on his face

Dionysius" hello there i don't think we introduce are self's i am dionysius the God of wine

Bell: Bell Cranel.

Loki: back to the topic at hand.

Dionysius: right.

Dionysius: I'll emit I did go to that sower in all honesty I to was investigating the monsters that where down there.

Loki: how come?

Dionysius narrows his eyes a bit

Dionysius: a month ago three members of my familia where gruesomely murdered judging by the crime scene it would sime my children we're taking out because they "sall" something they weren't supposed to, the only clue that they left behind for me was this.

Dionysius said pulling out the exact same green/yellowish magic stone that they had.

Loki: a magic stone?!

Dionysius Ided it is, this one came from a monster slain by the sword princess they mach perfectly.

Dionysius said pulling out another green/Yellowish magic stone

Dionysius: those monster hold di answer's, they'll lend me to the cause of there death.

Loki: so then you picked those up before the guild got to them.

Dionysius: yes as I said at the banquet, I had other plans something more pressing.

Loki sighs not knowing what to do with this information

Dionysius: the rest you all ready know, aldo I am impressed I never would have thought anyone would be able to pick up on i our sent in the sower.

Loki: I guess that makes sense, but there's something i still don't really understand how in the world did you know there be some kind of incident in monsterphilia in the first place?

Dionysius: because I would have I knew monsterphilia would be the perfect caber for the murderer thanks for the vistaris it would have been easy for them to bring up monsters to the surface.

Loki: hold on now are you telling me Ganesha was behind this? That little sap would never do that.

Dionysius: not ganesha your pressing your logic on a false premises, tell me Loki who started this monsterphilia business in the first place, do you know?

Loki: you mean ouranos don't you?

Dionysius nods before saying

Dionysius: could he have taken my children and unleash those saveges upon the surface seems likely.

Loki looks out the window in worry about what she heard was true

The three exet the cafe and are waking in silence to nowhere in particular that when bete decides to break the silence

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