Chapter 2: As Your Knight...

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Hey guys. As you read in the previous chapter, Elsa wants you as her husband now. The big question is who might seek your heart next. One with the chapter!


   After getting Subaru to Roswaal's manor, Emilia got Beatrice to heal him. Once that was down, The Half Elf brought me over to meet Roswaal. Though, thankfully, it didn't last long. He told me I could stay the night and tomorrow we would properly introduce ourselves. The demon sisters show to the bathroom, and after I finished cleaning up and got dressed in the PJs they gave me and my mask and hoodie on and haori, brought me to my room. I bowed and thanked them, To which they were surprised I did. When I was alone, I sat on my bed and took of my mask and hood. Revealing my new look. I checked if my new eyes were actually my contacts, which they weren't.

   I went and lay down on the bed and looked at my pendant, resting on top my folded haori in front of my mask, and could've sworn I saw glow faintly for a brief moment. My nichirin rested against my nightstand next to me. I looked at it confused before shaking my head and dismissing it. Even though it was completely dark in my room, since the candle was out and the curtains closed, my enhanced senses made it easy to see everything with clarity. I just hoped that this isn't a dream. 

Y/n: But it's to real to be a dream, even a lucid dream.

   I said, bringing a hand to my ear. I felt every detail, every corner, and the pointed shape. It felt so surreal. Though if this really isn't a dream...

Y/n: Than why did Stella bring me here?

   I said out loud, know now one was eavesdropping since I couldn't smell anyone near.

Y/n: Though, what if the reason she brought me here with Subaru is different from the anime? If I encounter the Archbishops, how will I defeat Regulus. The others can be dealt with using my Dragon Breathing I can deal with them. But Greed's Stillness of Time makes him an indestructible object. If I create and esoteric art Tenth Form, I might be able to defeat him? But it has to derive from a dragon. Since I made Dragon Breathing derive from specific dragons. Can I connect with the right dragon for this? *sigh* I'll try to see if meditating and connecting to the dragons will work. 

   With that last statement, I got under the sheets and closed my eyes. I focused on the sound of my breathing and drifted to sleep.

Dream World Mindscape

   I found myself in the middle of a cavern. Lining the was were gems and crystals of great beauty. Some of the veins of gems on the walls were the reddest of rubies, emeralds green as grass, topaz as yellow as the morning sun, sapphires blue as the sea, diamonds clear as glass. From the ceiling, large crystals of unknown kinds jutted out and gave a majestic glow throughout the cavern. Laying before me was a lake of great proportion. Its surface was still and as dark as a black onyx. In the distance, I could make out a ridge of black rocks. There was no sound, beside the occasional drip of unseen water droplets dripping every so often and echoing through the cavern. It was all breathtaking. 

Y/n: This place is beyond incredible! 

   My voice echoed throughout the cavern. It wasn't long before something disrupted the peace. A deep, loud roar resonated throughout the cavern. Before anything else could happen, a blinding light enveloped me.

Waking World

   I woke up to the sound of chirping. I got out of bed and stretched before going to brush my teeth. Once I was don't, I got my clothes that the maids cleaned left outside my room and got dressed. I got my hood on and strapped my mask on. I opened my door to leave, when I saw the pink hair oni maid; Ram. 

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