"Aren't I just brilliant?" I said, smiling proudly.

"You just keep telling yourself that," Stefan said, patting my arm.

The bell rung and I jumped up.

"I have to get to english." I said, "Bye."

I skipped out of the room and made my way to English.

I sat at the back of the room, drawing Anime sketches in the back of my book.

The teacher was droning on about nothing that held my interest. A girl named Elly Nakon sat beside me, quietly copying down notes while listening to the teacher. She was a quiet girl, kept to herself mostly, but was nice. She wasn't a goody two shoes or anything, she just wanted to do good in school and get a good job. She was one of the few of the friends that are girls that were in my grade I had. Not that I wasn't well liked, just that a lot of them were bitchy and cause a lot of drama, and I tend to try and stay away from that crowd. It annoyed me.

A girl infront of me whose name was Kate urned around and looked at me.

"Hey Marni, is it true that you and Jeremy Gilbert are going out?" she asked.


"Aw, that's so cute," she said. "I bet Stacey Millar was really angry."

"Stacey Millar... Oh.. The little girl who cakes on make-up, yeah she looked like she was going to murder someone." I said.

"I heard Tyler Lockwood's really angry too." she said.

"Oh well, he'll get over it."

When the bell rang for lunch, I packed up all of my stuff and headed to my locker.

As I was putting my stuff away, I felt hands wrap around my waist from behind.

"Hey Beautiful." Jeremy said. I turned around in his arms and pressed my lips against his. I slid my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

I pulled back with a huge grin on my face.

"Hey," I said.

"I shoud call you beautiful more often," he said.

I laughed.

"How did your thing with Mr. Saltzman go?" he asked.

"You would not believe what happened." I said.

Bonnie, Elena, Stefan, Jeremy and I were sitting at a table and Stefan and I had just finished telling the others about what happened with Alaric.

"I always thought there was something off about him." Bonnie said.

"Wow," Elena said. "I just didn't think he was the type, you know?"

"Good luck with killing Damon." Jeremy laughed.

"Oh my god," I said. "We have him last. This is going to be sooo awkward."

"It's gunna be fun." Jeremy said.

"Yeah, that too." I agreed.

Jeremy and I sat up the back in History, and I waited for Alaric to enter the room.

Five minutes later he did. He put his stuff on the desk and looked up, meeting my eyes. He nodded and I nodded back.

"Our new unit that we are learing about is folklore," Alaric announced. "And it just so happens that this town itself holds a lot of it."

"Here we go," I muttered to Jeremy.

"Now, who can tell me about the Battle Of Willow Creek?" The teacher asked.

" The Battle happened in 1865," said a kid from the front, looking at his textbook. "The defense of the town was left to a small army of less than 3,000 men against the enemy, never less than 12,000 and sometimes as many as 25,000 and always within a days march. The regiment engaged the enemy at Willow Creek near Mystic Falls. They were driven back across the river until nightfall when fighting subsided and they made camp on the 7th April 1865. The remaining troops left camp and moved 3 miles along the river's south bank. They were determined to make a stand near the Braunwarth Mill, a little below the falls where Willow Creek meets the river proper because its right flank could be protected by the high bluffs the battle lasted into the night. In the morning the remaining troops retreated into the fortification at Mystic Falls. There were 346 casualties and 27 civilian casualties that had burned in Fell's Church.."

"Good," said Alaric. "Now, who can tell me the folklore version?"

I raised my hand.

"Marni." he said.

"Legend goes, that in 1864, Mystic Falls was home to a fair few vampires. The town found out about them and captured them, drugging them and putting them in the church and burning them, using the battle as an excuse, they called it civillian casualties." I said, telling the truth about what really happened. Aside from the part where the vampires actually didn't burn.

"Good." he said. "But vampires don't exist, so it is therefor a legend."

I sighed, wondering what would happen if the town of Mystic Falls knew about vampires.

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